The goal of this project is to use ML algorithms from the python-sk-learn library and identify Persons of Interest (POIs) in the given enron dataset.
The dataset has 146 datapoint with 21 features extracted from emails. To pass this particular project, I need a precision and recall greater than or equal to 0.3.
- Understanding and cleaning dataset.
- Removing outliers
- Optimizing features and feature selection
- Feature engineering
- Scaling the features
- Selecting algorithm
- Parameter tuning.
Since this is a binary classification problem i.e is a given person a Person of interest or not, I decided to use:
For Feature selection I used both Tree-based feature selection and Select-K-Best. I ended up using Select-K-Best since that gave the best precision and accuracy for given number of features.
- Extra Trees classifier :
- n_estimators - [5 , 10 , 15]
- criterion = ['gini' , 'entropy']
- min_sample_split = [2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 10 ]
- Logistic Regression :
- max_iter = [100, 200 , 300 , 500 , 1000 , 10000]
- penalty = ['l1' , 'l2'] (liblinear uses both l1 and l2 , liblinear with dual uses only l2 and newton-cg , sags , lbfgs use only l2).
- solver = ['liblinear' , 'newton-cg' , 'sag', 'lbfgs'].
- fit_intercept : [True , False]
- Linear-SVM :
- loss = ['hinge','squared_hinge']
- max_iter = [100,200,500,1000,10000]
- tolerance = [1e-2 , 1e-4 , 1e-6 , 1e-8 , 1e-10],
- multi_class = ['ovr' , 'crammer_singer']
All of the above algorithms and parameters were tried once with and without - Principle Component analysis.
For parameter tuning I used :
For validating the results , I used many methods from Cross-validation. In the end I decided to use Stratified shuffle split to split the data, Since the POIs and Non-POIs are unevenly distributed, and I wanted a good classification with the training and testing dataset split(30% split for testing). Few others I tried were : Shuffle split, k-1 split, and simple test-train split.
I downloaded the body of the emails from the Enron dataset and performed text-based classification on the emails using Count-Vectorizer as well as TfIdf transformer. I got an accuracy of 50% when the dataset had equal amount of POIs and Non-POIs. When the ratio of POIs to Non-POIs was 1:3 or close , I got 25% accuracy. Anything beyond 30 points in dataset failed to converge and produced 0% accuracy. This is because the sampling of data I used has very skewed distribution of POIs and Non-POIs. Refer :