This app demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt messages using the Enterprise Certificate Proxy (ECP) client library.
To use the app, you need to specify the following flags:
- mode: The mode of operation, either -e for encryption or -d for decryption.
- msg: The message to encrypt or decrypt.
For example, to encrypt the message "Hello, world!", you would run the following command:
$ go run main.go -mode -e -msg "Hello, world!"
The app will print the encrypted message to the console. To decrypt the message, you would run the following command:
$ go run main.go -mode -d -msg <encrypted message>
The app will print the decrypted message to the console.
To properly set up for the demo on a MacOS device, run the following command:
$ ./scripts/
This script:
- Creates a self-signed certificate, private key, and MacOS keychain
- Puts the custom keychain on keychain path
- Creates a MacOS ECP config file