Explore Corgis when you first see this!
node and npm
near shell Install with
npm i -g near-shell
3.(optional) install yarn to build
npm i -g yarn
Step 1: Create account for the contract.
In the terminal
near login
click the link and create your own contract ID on NEAR Testnet
After you see the context, "Logged in as [ YOUR_NAME ] with public key [ ed25519:XXXXXX... ] successfully", you are done.
Step 2: Deploy the contract on the account
Modify src/config.js line that sets the contractName. Set it with Id from step 1.
const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || "new-corgis"; /* TODO: fill this in! */
Step 3:
(For Mac and Ubuntu): Finally, run the command in your terminal.
npm install && npm run start
with yarn:
yarn install && yarn start
(For Windows):
yarn install
yarn start
The server that starts is for static assets and by default serves them to localhost:1234. Navigate there in your browser to see the app running!
for the contract codesrc/index.html
for the front-end HTMLsrc/main.js
for the JavaScript front-end code and how to integrate contractssrc/app.js
for the first react component
Step 1: Get nearcore
Step 2:
Use command ./scripts/start_localnet.py --local
to start the local node
Step 3: Install serve with:
npm i serve
Use command serve src -p 3000
to start on localhost:3000
Step 4: Start frontend with command:
NODE_ENV=local yarn start
Now, open localhost:3000. Navigate there in your browser to see the app running!
Step 5: Use wallet/login/index.html to create account and start exploring.