Tok2me is a Maximal munch parser designed to fit into terminal pipelines and tokenize user input and simplify text processing pipelines. Now any program that can read a tsv can utilize Tok2me to tokenize user input. Tok2me reads a token definition yaml file, tokenizes an input file (or reads from stdin if no input file is provided), and writes the tokenized output to stdout in the format TOKEN_NAME<TAB>token_value
e.g. Token deffinition:
# tokens.yaml
# Example token deffinition document
# Each token has a name and a list of regular expressions that it can match
ignore: []
token_type: "COMMA"
exprs: [","]
token_type: "WS"
exprs: ["[ \\t]+"]
token_type: "NL"
exprs: ["\\n","\\r\\n"]
token_type: "STRING"
exprs: ["\"([\\s\\S]*?)\""]
e.g. Running tok2me with the provided token file on standard input:
printf "\"This is a string\" ,\r\n" | tok2me.exe -t tokens.yaml
# This is the tokenized output from tok2me.
# Lines beginning with '#' are comments and may be skipped!
STRING "This is a string"
NL \r\n