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Melding the Associative and AbstractArray interfaces into a coherent set of indexing rules, etc.

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This package attempts to demonstrate that we can extend some of the (APL-inspired) rules for indexing AbstractArrays in Julia, to other Associatives.

To acheive this, I have created my own types Assoc, Dic, AbstractArr and Arr to "mock" these common container interfaces/types in Base. I have also made AbstractArr a subtype of Assoc; however this detail is not super important.

The important thing is that now:

  • We can index a dictionary with a dictionary (to get a dictionary).
  • We can index an array with a dictionary (to get a dictionary).
  • We can index a dictionary with an array (to get an array).

Some slightly interesting consequences:

  • We can have common semantics (and in some cases merge common methods) for indices (keys in Base), similar, map and so-on, between arrays and dictionaries. The common semantics should provide a more seamless and intuitive interface for generic programming.
  • I propose a new empty function for creating empty dictionaries and vectors. similar would always preserve the indices of a dictionary (the values may be unintialized).
  • There is a path forward for multidimensional (Cartesian) dictionaries and structures, that use (a generalization of) the APL indexing rules.


  • Most of the benefits can be realized in Base without AbstractArray <: Associative (however this requirement was useful here to help build a conformant interface).
  • I favoured using indices and indextype, to match getindex and setindex!, however this may not be necessary (Base currently uses the term "key" for this).
  • One could also consider indexing of and by Tuples, such that (a, b, c)[(2,3)] = (b, c), Dict(:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3)[(:a,:c)] = (1, 3) and (a,b,c)[[2,1]] = [b,a], etc. (However, might clash with dictionary keys being themselves tuples). Similarly for named tuples.


The overarching philisophy is that an array is just a special kind of associative container where lookup is fast (using linear indexing or Cartesian indexing). We then search for commanilities between the current powerful AbstractArray interface and what makes sense also for Associative.

The Assoc abstract type

An Assoc{I, T} (associative container) a is a mapping from a unique set of indices of type I, to values of type T. Iterating an Assoc returns just the values, not the indices. A single value can be retrieved via getindex (a[i]) and set via setindex! (a[i] = v). The set of indices can be retrieved via indices(a) - note that these generally might not be ordered, and can be compared with the new issetequal predicate. The values are of type eltype(a) and the indices type is retrieved via a new function, indextype(a).

There is a pairs function which returns a Pairs view of the Assoc. Iterating this will return pairs i => v, and moreover, the Pairs type preserves the ability to perform indexing such that pairs(a)[i] == (i => a[i]).

Arrays and AbstractArr

To make sense of arrays in this context, we note that the fundamental scalar indices of (multidimensional) arrays are CartesianIndexs, and the set of indices form a CartesianRange.

AbstractArr is meant to mirror the behavior of AbstractArray, however we have defined AbstractArr{T, N} <: Assoc{CartesianIndex{N}, T}. The subtyping enforces that we create a common interface.

Indexing with Assoc.

We all love that we can index an array like [10, 11, 12][2:3] == [11, 12]. Here we generalize this to all associative containers a1 and a2 using the following rules to construct out = a1[a2]:

  • The output container shares the indices of a2.
  • The values out[i] correspond to a1[a2[i]].

Similary, for non-sclar setindex! with a1[a2] = v, we use the following rule

  • For scalar v, assign the value v to the indices indicated by the values of a2, so that a1[a2[i]] = v for all i in indices(a2).
  • For v::Assoc, we expect to match the indices of v with those of a2, such that we acheive a1[a2[i]] = v[i] for all i in indices(a2).

Note that these rules are fully compatible with the built-in Julia arrays using one-based indexing and the OffsetArrays.jl package.

similar and empty with Assoc

Many operations like getindex, map, etc require us to build and return new containers. Here we overload the similar method to have the behaviour such that

  • similar(a::Assoc, ::Type{T}, inds) creates a new Assoc that has the indices inds and unitialized values of type T.
  • similar(a::Assoc) = similar(a, eltype(a), indices(a))
  • etc for optional new indices or eltype...

Since arrays are associative containers with CartesianRange as its indices, it is easy to determine the situations where an array is the appropriate output.

Currently similar(::Dict) creates an empty dictionary. Here we can create empty vectors and dictionaries (that we expect to add elements to) to using the new empty function:

  • empty(a::Assoc, ::Type{I}, ::Type{V} creates a new container with the appropriate index and element types.
  • empty(a::Assoc, ::Type{T}) == empty(a, indextype(a), T)
  • empty(a::Assoc) == empty(a, indextype(a), eltype(a))

And so on...

From here it is relatively straightforward to define a map function which works well on arrays and dictionaries via preseriving the indices of the input(s). Similar to empty and similar, one might want appropriate methods for zeros and ones and so-on. Functions such as reduce only depend on the iterator interface.


  • Functions like filter could present a lazy view of associatives (and arrays) where some indices are removed (and the remainder preserved, not moved).
  • One might try to generalize the multidimensional behavior of arrays to arbitrary associatives, and also have a look at broadcast in this context.


Performance work is ongoing in this package (for instance, linear vs Cartesian indexing, using Dict more efficiently, etc).


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