- modify the social image url
- Social image (cloud function)
= Next
- opacity change on the fade
- Sort out the greys
- Unknown category
- Look at that 3 char one
- Unit tests
- total atomic score
- better favicon (maybe a random one)
- Do we always want a space to be a line break (or only if needed?)
= Done
- GH Actions / Pages
- Make it shareable
- Style toast
- Two letter word breaks
- Min Button doesn't disable on scrollback
- some kind of default state
- Favicon
- Add analytics
- Add copyright text
- Set char max
- Sort the group colours, style elements
- Style the page
- hide controls if no results
- Finalise all the colours (incl Unknown)
- Wiki links
- responsiveness, line breaks on words?
- Break on word
- Don't add two char elements for dummies
- Sort by secondary field of least elements
- Cycle through results, min / max
- Sort the scoring for multi chars
- Handle whitespace