For a long time I have thought about collecting the links to the online material I read every day and also find useful so other can also benefit from this.
- Google Cloud Platform - Curated articles for developers
- Docker Curated - All things Docker and containers
- The New Stack - All things Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, Containers, Distributed Computing, Microservices
- The Next Web - IT related news
- DZone - All things AI, Agile, BigData, Cloud, DevOps, IoT, Microservices, Open Source, etc.
- High Scalability - weekly collection of links on IT and HPC
- DevOpsLinks - weekly collection of links on DevOps and Cloud computing
- A Cloud guru - The community-sourced publication for cloud computing
- Nick Janetakis' (a Docker Captain) Tips and Tricks on Docker
- Goto Conferences - videos from goto; conferences
- AWS Lambda Programming Language Comparison
- The title says it all
- Tags: AWS, Lambda, Performance, Cold start, Warm Start, Node.js, Golang, C#, Java
- Description
- Tags:
The real power of Linux executables
- A deep dive into the "execution" of programs in the Linux kernel. They are actually partially interpretables.
- Tags: Linux, Executables, ELF, binfmt_misc
- Description
- Tags:
- How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs
- An introduction to journalctl, the tool for viewing the logs collected by journald from the systemd fame
- Tags: journalctl, journald, systemd
- VIDEO : Linus Torvalds on git
- Linus Torvalds explains why Git is what is it and why he would never ever use a non-distributed SCM
- Tags: Linus Torvalds, Git
- VIDEO : Introduction to Memory Management in Linux by Alan Ott
- A deep dive into the memory management of Linux, from hardware and software PoV, on 32 and 64 bit.
- Tags: Linux, Memory Management, MMU, Page Fault
- Comprehensive Guide to Serverless Go with AWS Lambda
- Really comprehensive introduction to serverless/FaaS with comparison of the offerings of the largest cloud providers. In addition, an intro to the Serverless framework followed by a quick introduction to Golang.
- Tags: AWS, GCP, Serverless, Golang
- Serverless Streaming Architectures and Best Practices
- Quite large whitepaper (47 pages long) regarding architecture of streaming apps on AWS
- Tags: AWS, Streaming, Kinesis, Redshift
- VIDEO : GOTO 2018 • The Robustness of Go • Francesc Campoy
- An overview talk about Golang and the robustness of the language
- Tags: Golang, Robust
- VIDEO : GopherCon 2016: Rob Pike - The Design of the Go Assembler
- Rob Pike talks about the early and the current architecture of the Go ASM. What has happened and why it is pretty easy to add a new architecture and also very easy to cross-compile Golang.
- Tags: Go, Golang, Cross Compile, Assembler
- VIDEO : GopherCon 2016: Dave Cheney - Dont Just Check Errors Handle Them Gracefully
- Dave Cheney on how to handle errors in Golang programms
- Tags: Golang, Error Handling
- VIDEO : Building Go Applications for the Open Cloud (Cloud Next '18)
- A short presentation about Go-cloud, an abstraction layer for Golang for some cloud services of AWS, GCP, etc - BLOB storage, Runtime Configurarion, MySQL DB Access, Request Logging, Health Checkin, and Tracing
- Tags: AWS, GCP, Golang, Open Cloud
- Top 10 Linux Job Interview Questions
- Quick intro to
uname -a
,df -sh
, etc. - Tags: Linux commands
- Quick intro to
- Patterns for Resilient Architecture — Part 1, The story of embracing failure at scale
- A blog post regarding what are the patterns about scalable and resilient architectures. Specifically what to do when using AWS and how to achieve (at least in theory) 6 nines.
- Tags: AWS, Golden AMI, Docker, Canary Deployments
- Patterns for Resilient Architecture — Part 2, The art of avoiding cascading failures
- A blog post regarding strategies to avoid cascading failures. Read-only modes, TTL, Circuit Breaking
- Tags: Cascading Failure, Circuit breaking
- Building Optimized Containers for Kubernetes
- What to do to have containers that are clean and optimized (not only for Kubernetes). Multstage builds. Pod Patterns (Sidecar, Ambassador, Adaptor)
- Tags: Docker, Container, Kubernetes, Best Practices, Multistage Build, Sidecar, Ambassador, Adaptor
- Video : i3 - An Improved Tiling Window Manager
- Intro to i3, a minimalistic window manager built for tiled windows, not for floating windows. A WM for power users, heavy keyboard users.
- Tags: i3, Window Manager, Tiled Windows
- Video : GOTO 2018 • Old Is the New New • Kevlin Henney
- Much of what we call new paradigms in computing is actually pretty old. The wheel is rotating and we are "reinventing" it.
- Tags: Spiral model
- Video/German/Non-IT : Warum wir alles verlieren werden – Banken-Insider verrät die Gründe
- The next eurozone crisis is coming and it will be worse than the previous one
- Tags: ECB, Euro, Crisis, Target2, Default
- Video : GOTO 2018 • Dynamic Non-Events • Adrian Cockcroft
- Snmall drifts, which in itself cause imminently nothing wrong lead to problems and failure.
- Tags: Safety, Failure, Chaos Engineering
- Amazon AWS EKS and RDS PostgreSQL With Terraform
- A tutorial how to setup (non-secure and non-prod-ready) with Terraform and tear down an AWS EKS setup that uses PgSQL RDS
- Tags: AWS, EKS, Terraform, RDS
- Google GKE and SQL With Terraform
- A tutorial how to setup (non-secure and non-prod-ready) with Terraform GKE and CloudSQL
- Tags:
- M3: Uber’s Open Source, Large-scale Metrics Platform for Prometheus
- Highly scalable time series platform for Prometheus
- Tags: Uber, Prometheus, M3
- Video : GOTO 2018 • Unconditional Code • Michael Feathers
- Michael Feathers - Working Effectively with Legacy Code
- Tags: Functional Programming, Soft Core - Hard Shell
- Monitoring Spring Boot applications with Prometheus, Grafana and Alert Manager
- Quick intro into how to monitor applications with Grafana, that sources it's data from Prometheus
- Tags: Prometheus, Grafana, Alert
- An adventure in sparse arrays
- Sparse arrays in JavaScript - tips and tricks
- Tags: JavaScript, sparse, filter, map, foreach
- Threads in Node 10.5.0: a practical intro
- Intro to Worker Threads that were added to Node 10.5.0
- Tags: JavaSceipt, WorkedThread
- Basics of the Unix Philosophy
- The basics of the Unix Philosophy. A must read for every software developer and software architect. More or less axioms in software development.
- Tags: Unix Philosophy
- The Principles of OOD
- SOLID, The Single Responsibility Principle, The Open Closed Principle, The Liskov Substitution Principle, The Interface Segregation Principle, The Dependency Inversion Principle
- Tags: OOD, SOLID
Startup Survival Tip #1: Revenue is Your Biggest Lifeline!
- In short, no cash, no company. Learn how to preserve and generate cash or die.
- Tags:
When Should I Use Amazon Aurora and When Should I use RDS MySQL?
- A blog article from Percona about the pros and cons of RDS MySQL and Aurora
- Tags: AWS, RDS, Aurora, MySQL
Demystifying RBAC in Kubernetes
- Understand how RBAC works
- Tags: Kubernetes, RBAC
- Video : Verifying Microservice Integrations with Contract Testing - Atlassian Summit 2016
- How to use contract testing with PACT
- Tags: PACT, Contract Testing, Design by Contract
- The Free Stack - Running your application for free on AWS
- What you get for free in the 12 trial months of AWS membership and what will the same resources costs you after the trial (won't be much)
- Tags: AWS, CloudWatch, CloudFront, S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, ElastiCache
- How to get Pluralsight 3 month subscription for free – 2018
- The title says it all. Quick way to get PS for free for 3 months
- Tags: Pluralsight, VisualStudio
Spawning Kubernetes Clusters in CI for Integration and E2E tests
- How to spawn K8s clusters when using CI, particularly Travis CI
- Tags: Travis, Kubernetes, E2E Testing
- Classification of the different ways of testing software systems. From low to high level.
- Tags: Unit Testing, Contract Testing
Functional Reactive Serverless Architecture
- How could FaaS be used in the future. Free from HTTP dependencies.
- Tags: FaaS, Serverless, Ports & Adapters Architecture.
Docker Deployments using Terraform
- How to use Terraform for AWS ECS blue-green deployments
- Tags: Docker, AWS ECS, Terraform, Deployment
Video:Scale Kubernetes to Support 50,000 Services [I] - Haibin Xie & Quinton Hoole
- Lessons learnt from scaling K8s to 50k services
- Tags: Kubernetes
- This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster.
- Tags: Kubernetes
Why Kubernetes Operators are a game changer
- Couchbase blog article on ephemeral/persistent volume storage and on K8s operators
- Tags: Kubernetes, Operators
- An article on GIL, JIT and dynamic variables in Python and the different Python runtimes.
- Tags: Python, Performance
2018 Serverless Community Survey: huge growth in serverless usage
- Results from a survey by Serverless Inc.
- Tags: Serverless
- Trivago's experience with AWS Kinesis running Lambdas to process data. Fine tune your streams with a Dead-Letter Queue (if applicable), as well as fine tuning the memory requirements and invocation number.
- Tags: AWS, Kinesis, Lambda, Tuning
Hacked serverless functions are a crypto-gold mine for miscreants
- A look to how lambdas can be abused for from hackers
- Tags: AWS, Lambda, Serverless
How to deploy geographically distributed services on Kubernetes Engine with kubemci *
- Tags: Kubernetes, Distributed
Scalable Node.js with Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine
- An intro how to set up a simple 3 node K8s cluster running Node.js 'Helo world' on GCP with UI and from the command line
- Tags: Node.js, Kubernetes, GCP
11 Ways (Not) to Get [Your K8s Cluster] Hacked
- 11 steps for securing your k8s installations
- Tags: Security, Kubernetes
- How to create simple cron job for a Kubernetes cluster
- Tags: Kubernetes, Cronjob
Why the New V8 is so Damn Fast
- Thorough explanation about recent improvements in V8
- Tags: V8, Node.js, JavaScript, Performance
How to manage any kind of secret with AWS Secrets Manager
- A tutorial for rotating credentials on AWS. Example is with MongoDB
- Tags: AWS, Secrets, Rotation
Google Cloud Platform - The Good, Bad, and Ugly (It's Mostly Good)
- Diferentiated description of GCP - features, pricing, etc.
- Tags: GCP
Goodbye Microservices: From 100s of problem children to 1 superstar
- How to move from microservices to a monolith when the burden of single-tenancy becomes way too big and costs too many resources to support
- Tags: Microservices, Monolith
GitOps: A Path to More Self-service IT
- Long story short - use Git/VCS to store the configuration of your infrastructure. In other words use IaC - Infrastructure as Code and embed it in the development flow.
- Tags: Git, IaC
Git from zero to hero - starting with foundations
- Quick but deep dive into Git and it's building blocks
- Tags: Git
Generate Kubernetes YAML Right From Your App Code
- A new programming language, Ballerina, can compile into Docker and Kubernetes artifacts, letting you generate YAML from your microservices app code.
- Tags: Docker, Kubernetes, YAML, Ballerina, IaC
A container networking overview
- Julia Evans on Container Networking
- Tags: Docker, Containers, Networking, Subnets, VPC, Flannel, Calico
How Redshift differs from PostgreSQL
- Desciption of AWS Redshift. How it got created and what are the diffeences compared to its parent PostgreSQL
- Tags: AWS, Columnar Database, Redshift, Data Warehousing
Container Runtimes Part 1: An Introduction to Container Runtimes
- Part of 1 (of 4) is an introduction to container runtimes
- Tags: Docker, RKT, Kubernetes, K8s, CRI, containerd, runc
Container Runtimes Part 2: Anatomy of a Low-Level Container Runtime
- Part of 2 (of 4) describing low level runtimes
- Tags: Docker, RKT, Kubernetes, K8s, CRI, containerd, runc, Cgroup, Namespaces
What are Kubernetes Pods Anyway?
- Thorough description of what is a Kubenetes pod and why it is so
- Tags: Docker, Kubernetes, Pod, Namespaces
- Description of the Kubernetes pause container
- Tags: Docker, Kubernetes, supervisord
The software engineering rule of 3
- Do it once. Copy it and do it twice. The third time abstract it.
- Tags: Abstractions, Premature optimization
Missing the point about microservices – it's about testing and deploying independently
- The title says it all
- Tags: Microservice, Monolith, Testing, Deployment
Interviewing is a noisy prediction problem
- Long story about personal experience of the author regarding whether interviews can really be a reliable way to select candidates
- Tags:
Waiting time, load factor, and queueing theory – why you need to cut your systems a bit of slack
- Find out why being 100% busy is bad and a bit (or more than a bit) of slack can improve the operational abilities of a person and a system
- Tags: Performance
Optimizing for iteration speed
- Some thoughts how to optimize the delivery of a product
- Tags: Continous Deployment, Continous Integration
The half-life of code & the ship of Theseus
- Nice article with some numbers on how code and how much code survives during the years of a software project
- Tags: Software life cycle
The eigenvector of "Why we moved from language X to language Y"
- Article on data analysis about moving from one particular language to another
- Tags:
ENTRYPOINT vs CMD: Back to Basics
- The difference between ENTRYPOINT and CMD. Tips and tricks.
- Tags: Docker, Dockerfile, ENTRYPOINT, CMD
Using API Gateways to Facilitate Your Transition from Monolith to Microservices
- How to move from a monolith to microservices by using a API Gateway
- Tags: API Gateway, Monolith, Microservices
Lambda programming errors that could cost you thousands of dollars a day!
- Watch out for some mistakes or AWS Lambda can turn into costly platform
- Tags: AWS, Lambda, Serverless
Comprehensive Container-Based Service Monitoring with Kubernetes and Istio
- How to use Istio to monitor your clusters and hold your SLA
- Tags: Kubernetes, Istio, Service Mesh, SLA, SLI, SLO
Guy Kawasaki – What I learned from working with Steve Jobs
- Guy Kawasaki on Steve Jobs and inventions. Customers don't drive innovation, they drive only optimization.
- Tags: Apple, Steve Jobs, Guy Kawasaki, Innovation
Why and how you should use Docker with Symfony 4 *
- Tags: PHP, Symfony, Docker
Building an API with GraphQL, Node and Express, Part 1
- How to build a GraphQL API on top of Express and Node.js
- Tags: GraphQL, Express, Node.js
Building an API with GraphQL, Node and Express, Part 2
- How to build a GraphQL API on top of Express and Node.js
- Tags: GraphQL, Express, Node.js
- How to organize your Node.js project development and deployment with Docker
- Tags: Docker, Docker Compose, Node.js
7 best practices for building containers
- GCP article regarding 7 best practices regarding building containers
- Tags: Docker, Containers, Build
Why you should not use Google Cloud
- Why you should not use Google Cloud
- Tags: GCP, Downtime, Out of business
The Mon-ifesto Part 1: Metrics
- A 3-Part Guide to Better Application Monitoring. Describes the different operational metrics.
- Tags: CPM (calls per minute), EPM (Errors per minutes), RT (Response Time), BS (Bandwidth Saturation)
The Mon-ifesto Part 2: Alerting and Graphing
- A 3-Part Guide to Better Application Monitoring. Describes the different SLA levels.
- Tags: SLA
The Mon-ifesto Part 3: Alert Response and Post-Mortem
- A 3-Part Guide to Better Application Monitoring. Describes the FIR (Formal Incident Response) protocol
- Tags: FIR, Incident Manager, Incident Reporter, Bridge Runner, Primary Engineer, Standby Engineer