you can install the npm module here
npm install blockcypher-unofficial
See abstract-common-blockchain for API
Use this link to see what BlockCypher supports
Standard convention is described fully in the types.json file in the link above.
simply require the npm module at the top of the file
var blockcypher = require('blockcypher-unofficial');
##Networks This adapter supports testnet, mainnet, and blockcyphers testnet. You may access each network by setting the network option to one of these options:
testnet3: "testnet", Blockcypher's testnet: "blockcypher-testnet", mainnet: (anything but other two)
you may specify the options you wish to make a call like so:
var client = blockcypher({
network: "testnet"
//example call
client.Addresses.Unspents(["address 1", "address 2", ...], callback);
alternatively you can check out the comments above each function in lib if you wish to understand what each function expects and returns.
- Andrew Malta: [email protected]
- Howard Wu: [email protected]