Hyperion is a Minecraft game engine that aims to enable a 10k player PvP battle to break the Guinness World Record (8825 by EVE Online). The architecture is ECS-driven using Flecs Rust.
Players | Tick Time (ms) | Core Usage (%) | Total CPU Utilization (%) |
1 | 0.24 | 4.3 | 0.31 |
10 | 0.30 | 10.3 | 0.74 |
100 | 0.46 | 10.7 | 0.76 |
1000 | 0.40 | 15.3 | 1.09 |
5000 | 1.42 | 35.6 | 2.54 |
*= with UNIX sockets, not TCP sockets. Once I get better tests, I will fill in core usage and CPU utilization.
Test Environment:
- Machine: 2023 MacBook Pro Max 16" (14-cores)
- Chunk Render Distance: 32 (4225 total)
- Commit hash
run withjust release
- Bot Launch Command:
just bots {number}
Note on Performance:
The system's computational costs are primarily fixed due to thread synchronization overhead. Each game tick contains
The bulk of player-specific processing occurs in our proxy layer, which handles tasks like regional multicasting and can be horizontally scaled to maintain performance as player count grows.
flowchart TB
subgraph GameServer["Game Server (↕️ Scaled)"]
direction TB
subgraph FlecsMT["Flecs Multi-threaded ECS"]
direction LR
IngressSys["Ingress System"] --> |"1 Game Tick (50ms)"| CoreSys["Core Systems (Game Engine)"] --> GameSys["Game Systems (Event Logic)"] --> EgressSys["Egress System"]
TokioIO["Tokio Async I/O"]
TokioIO --> IngressSys
EgressSys --> TokioIO
subgraph ProxyLayer["Proxy Layer (↔️ Scaled)"]
direction TB
Proxy1["Hyperion Proxy"]
Proxy2["Hyperion Proxy"]
ProxyN["Hyperion Proxy"]
MulticastLogic["Regional Multicasting"]
subgraph AuthLayer["Authentication"]
Velocity1["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
Velocity2["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
VelocityN["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
Player1_1((Player 1))
Player1_2((Player 2))
Player2_1((Player 3))
Player2_2((Player 4))
PlayerN_1((Player N-1))
PlayerN_2((Player N))
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| Proxy1
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| Proxy2
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| ProxyN
Proxy1 <--> Velocity1
Proxy2 <--> Velocity2
ProxyN <--> VelocityN
Velocity1 --> Player1_1
Velocity1 --> Player1_2
Velocity2 --> Player2_1
Velocity2 --> Player2_2
VelocityN --> PlayerN_1
VelocityN --> PlayerN_2
classDef server fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
classDef proxy fill:#9cf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef auth fill:#fcf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef ecs fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
classDef system fill:#ffd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef async fill:#e7e7e7,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class GameServer server
class FlecsMT ecs
class IngressSys,CoreSys,GameSys,EgressSys system
class Proxy1,Proxy2,ProxyN proxy
class Velocity1,Velocity2,VelocityN auth
class TokioIO async
participant P as Player
participant PH as Proxy Handler
participant SB as Server Buffer
participant R as Reorderer
participant B as Broadcast System
participant S as Game Server
Note over P,S: Player → Server Flow (Direct)
P->>PH: Player Packet
PH->>S: Forward Immediately
Note over P,S: Server → Player Flow (Buffered)
S->>SB: Server Packets
SB-->>SB: Accumulate Packets
S->>SB: Flush Signal
SB->>R: Batch Transfer
R-->>R: Reorder by Packet ID
R->>B: Ordered Packets
Note over B: Broadcasting Decision
alt Local Broadcast
B->>P: Send to nearby players (BVH)
else Global Broadcast
B->>P: Send to all players
else Unicast
B->>P: Send to specific player
docker compose up --build
docker compose -f docker-compose.release.yml up --build
Language: Rust
Goal: Game engine for massive events
Structure: flecs ECS
Platform Details:
- Version: Minecraft 1.20.1
- Proxy Support: Velocity
- Proximity Voice: Simple Voice Chat
- Max estimated player count: ~176,056
Core Features:
- Lighting
- Block mechanics (placing, breaking, physics)
- Collisions (entity-entity and block-entity)
- World borders
- Block Edit API (WorldEdit-like)
- PvP
- Inventory system
- Particle Support
- Chat Support
- Command Support
Technical Features:
- Vertical scaling (fully multi-threaded)
- Horizontal scaling
- Advanced tracing support (tracy)
- Proxy Support (Velocity)