Useful utils and scripts, mostly python
Takes GO func declaration from the clipboard and makes nice header with arguments and return values. Places this description into clipboard
command line args:
-s:<path> - path to recursively scan *.go files for existing descriptions
-o:<type>=<value> - add an output value type/description pair, example: "-o:[]byte=raw JSON response."
Working example:
" func (c *Controller) GetTransactionsPage(context *zaboutils.ExtendedContext, account *zaboresources.Account, cursor *string) ([]*zaboresources.AccountTransactionRes, *string, bool, *echo.HTTPError) {"
will be processed like this:
// GetTransactionsPage()
// --> Input:
// context *zaboutils.ExtendedContext .
// account *zaboresources.Account .
// cursor *string .
// <-- Output:
// 1) []*zaboresources.AccountTransactionRes .
// 2) *string .
// 3) bool .
// 4) *echo.HTTPError .
Goes though all go files in the tree and looks for inconsistent usage of zaboutils.FuncName : - argument of it must be the same as the surrounding func name
command line args: -s: - path to recursively scan *.go files
Working example:
func (c *Controller) GetTransactionsPage(context *zaboutils.ExtendedContext, account *zaboresources.Account, cursor *string) ([]*zaboresources.AccountTransactionRes, *string, bool, *echo.HTTPError) {
c.logger.LogWithContextf(zaboutils.Severity.INFO, context, zaboutils.FuncName(c.GetBalance), "Next cursor is %v", sMarker)
-- this should issue a warning as GetTransactionsPage != GetBalance
Goes though all go files in the tree and looks for copy-paste dirt : command line args: -s: - path to recursively scan *.go files
Working example:
in the zabo-api-provider-gemini/ (and assuming there is a folder zabo-api-provider-bittrex/
func (c *Controller) GetTransactionsPage(context *zaboutils.ExtendedContext, account *zaboresources.Account, cursor *string) ([]*zaboresources.AccountTransactionRes, *string, bool, *echo.HTTPError) {
c.logger.LogWithContextf(zaboutils.Severity.INFO, context, zaboutils.FuncName(c.GetBalance), "Next cursor is %v", "Bittrex")
-- this should issue a warning as the word bittrex is out of context
zabo_logs retrieves all log entries for a request id
python [-r] [-s:<severity level>] <request id>
-r reverses log entries to the natural order (older first)
-s:<int> minimal severity level: 1 - all including DEBUG(default), 2 - INFO and higher, 3 - WARNING and ERROR, 4 - ERROR and CRITICALs
python -r -s:2 63052069-a61d-4bda-b756-2f6c81367607 > "63052069-a61d-4bda-b756-2f6c81367607.log"
it uses login/password and those are need to be placed in a file ~/.config/zabo_credentials:
sample contents, two lines of text:
access token will be saved in "/tmp/zabo_bearer.txt" you can change this location in the global section below (if you feel it's not secure)