Use in Node.js:
npm install immutable-object
Or, in a web app. You'll need ES5-shim for this to work in older web browsers.
var immutable = require("immutable-object");
var first = immutable({ foo: 1, bar: 2 });
var second = first.set({ foo: 2, buz: 3 });
You can use immutable.createClass
to define an immutable object constructor that adds methods to the prototype.
var Task = immutable.createClass({
// The constructor will call the `init` method when constructing an instance.
// It *must* return an object.
init: function(text) {
return this.set({ text: text, isDone: false });
// Mutation methods return a new object, the original is unchanged.
setText: function(text) {
// Use the `set` method to create the new object.
return this.set({ text: text });
done: function() {
return this.set({ isDone: true });
// Properties of the object are accessible as normal.
toString: function() {
return this.text + (this.isDone ? " - done" : "");
var task = new Task("Buy ice cream");
// Any change results in a new object.
// So be sure to assign the result to use it.
task = task.setText("Eat ice cream");
task = task.done();