nextcloud for kubernetes
For more background information check out my blog-post at
These YAMLs can be used on a Kubernetes-cluster to set-up a Nextcloud using MariaDB and Nginx as a SSL/TLS-Proxy. The YAMLs were tested on Ubuntu 18.04 but should be compatible with any Kubernetes-cluster.
- 2019-12-02: Updated Deployments: added selector/matchLabels, changed apiVersion: apps/v1
- Installed Ubuntu 18.04
- Basic Docker & Kubernetes knowledge
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
$ curl -s | sudo apt-key add
$ sudo apt-add-repository "deb kubernetes-xenial main"
$ sudo apt install kubeadm
$ sudo swapoff -a
$ sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
$ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl taint nodes --all
At this place you should note down the shown kubeadm join-message in your console to be able to connect further Kubernetes-nodes in the future.
Extra-hint: Use the following in an extra-terminal to be able to see what the Kubernetes-cluster is doing
$ watch -n 10 kubectl get deployment,svc,pods,pvc,pv,ing
As a user (not root) create a folder nc-deployment, download pre-defined MariaDB-descriptions, adjust it to your needs and deploy:
$ mkdir nc-deployment
$ cd nc-deployment
$ wget
$ nano db-deployment.yaml
--> change MYSQL_PASSWORD here
--> change MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD here
--> change db's HostPath here, which should be the absolute location of 'nc-deployment'/db-pv (eg /home/andremotz/nc-deployment/db-pv)
$ kubectl create -f db-deployment.yaml
$ wget
$ kubectl create -f db-svc.yaml
Next, download Nextcloud-descriptions, adjust them and deploy:
$ wget
$ nano nc-deployment.yaml
--> change NEXTCLOUD_URL
--> change MYSQL_PASSWORD (the value you've entered before)
--> change html's hostPath (eg. to /home/andremotz/nc-deployment/nc-pv)
$ kubectl create -f nc-deployment.yaml
$ wget
$ kubectl create -f nc-svc.yaml
The OMGWTFSSL-Docker image offers easy-to-use certificate-creation. Here we are using only a Pod, not a Deployment. Once the certificates are created, the Pod will stop.
$ wget
$ nano omgwtfssl-pod.yaml
--> change SSL_SUBJECT to your server's name
--> change CA_SUBJECT to your mail-adress
--> change SSL_KEY to a proper filename
--> change SSL_CSR to a proper filename
--> change SSL_CERT to a proper filename
--> change cert's hostPath (eg. to /home/andremotz/nc-deployment/certs-pv)
$ kubectl create -f omgwtfssl-pod.yaml
One could already easily adjust the Nextcloud-service to publish HTTP-driven service. However we want to use a Nginx-instance in front of our Nextcloud to be able to use HTTPS-encryption. For the proxy we are not using a Deployment but a Pod, to be able to make use of standard HTTP/HTTPS-ports 80 & 443
$ wget
$ nano nginx.conf
--> change server_name (two locations in the file!) to the server name you've provided before for SSL_SUBJECT
--> change ssl_certificate to the filename you've provide before for SSL_CERT
--> change ssl_certificate_key to the filename you've provide before for SSL_KEY
$ wget
$ nano proxy-pod.yaml
--> change cert's hostPath to the location you have provided before---> change nginx-config's hostpath to the location where you've stored nginx.conf before (eg. /home/andremotz/nc-deployment/nginx.conf)
--> change nginx-logs' hostpath to a proper location
$ kubectl create -f proxy-pod.yaml
Now you should be able to point your browser to https:// and see a new Nextcloud-instance, running on a super-hyper nextlevel-Kubernetes cluster, that you could use for further cool stuff 😉
Disable swap permanently – add a comment to the /etc/fstab – swap entry like this:
#/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
That’s it!! 😉