This is a secure file-sharing service developed as a school project.
Setup the local development environment:
createdb crocofile
psql crocofile
Create the users table:
CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(30) UNIQUE not null, password varchar(600) not null, timestamp date not null default CURRENT_DATE, public_key varchar(460) not null, secret varchar(16));
Create the files table:
CREATE TABLE files (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ipaddress inet not null, iv varchar(32) not null, fileaddress varchar(90), username varchar(30), del_password varchar(3000));
Add these lines to your environment:
export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export CONN_STRING="host='localhost' dbname='crocofile' user='yourdbuser' password='yourdbpass'"
Now reload your environment by running the workon env
or source yourenv/bin/activate
Install bower dependencies:
bower install
Install pip modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install javascript libraries via bower:
bower install -S libraryname
After installing modules via pip run:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Run the app:
First, ensure that nginx is running.
sudo service nginx status
Activate the virtual environment:
source /var/www/crocofile/venv/bin/activate
Add these lines to the environment:
export APP_SETTINGS="config.ProductionConfig"
export CONN_STRING="host='localhost' dbname='crocofile' user='crocofile' password='password'"
Kill existing uwsgi processes if available:
sudo killall -s INT uwsgi
Run the app from /var/www/crocofile/:
uwsgi --emperor app.ini --daemonize /var/log/uwsgi/emperor.log
PeerJS API Key