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Workshop for UCR's Cutie Hack 2021. Learn how to use REST APIs to fetch information. Learn how to create your own APIs to communicate programs in different languages

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Pokedex Discord Bot

Welcome to Cutie Hack 2021. Thank you for coming to my workshop for UCR's Cutie Hack 2021.

Cutie Hack Logo


  1. What software and tools do I need to make a discord bot?
  2. How do I create my first Discord bot?
  3. How do I create my first command for my Discord Bot?
  4. How do I access public databases online using javascript?
  5. How do use a REST API?
  6. How do I create my own REST API?

Your Project

Prepare for trouble.

Team Rocket

Make it double.

In the spirit of togetherness (Cutie Hack's theme), we will be creating a pokemon discord bot.

Pokedex Pokemon Battle

What software and tools do I need to make a discord bot?



This workshop uses NodeJS and Python.

You can install NodeJS and Python however you want to - Docker, Package Manager (homebrew on mac/linux), or download and install the binary.

Node JS Binary

I recommend using the LTS version (on the left)

Python Binary

I also like using yarn over npm as a package manager :). Once you have NodeJS installed run the following command in terminal

npm install --global yarn

Check that you have everything installed by running the following commands in terminal:

node -v

python3 --version


I included this section for people that need to download everything :D

My name is Andrei Dimaano. I am a third year CS Major at UC Riverside. I previously interned at MathWorks working with data visualizations in React (fun fact, I have not used MATLAB to this day).

Most of my programming experience lies in web technologies. However, I have done game dev, mobile dev, and ML.

Other than programming, I really like korean culture. My friends call me a koreaboo, and it's partly true. If you can guess my favorite KPOP artist, you get brownie points :^). I also do a lot of weightlifting at the SRC. Recently, I have been getting into cooking.

So Andrei, why are you the Discord workshop lead?

Good Question! I honestly haven't made the most technologically complex discord bot, but I have made a discord bot that many people use. I'm the creator of Calcifer, a productivity discord bot used in 1078 servers and 1957 users.

Why JS? why not python?

I like JS because I'm a web dev. Also, the DiscordJS library is used more than the Python library. The DiscordJS library also has 100% coverage of the Discord API :) I'm no expert in programming languages but if you take CS181 you'll probably find a better answer.

How do I create my first Discord bot?


  1. Register the bot with Discord
  2. Initalize your project on your computer
  3. Follow the Documentation to login your bot

1. Register your bot with Discord

Ref: Documentation

  1. Open Discord Dev Portal
  2. Click on the "New Application" button.
  3. Enter a name and confirm the pop-up window by clicking the "Create" button. New Discord App image
  4. Go to "Bot" on the left pane and click "Add Bot" Adding bot image
  5. Hit the "Copy" button to get you token
  6. Go to OAuth2 on the left and create your URL by selecting bot and applications.commands. Hit "Copy" and enter the link in a browser. Follow the instructions to add a bot to your server.

2. Initialize your project on your computer

You can either fork this repo and git clone your forked repo into your system, or create your own directory.

Environment setup

Go into the terminal and type

npm init -y

And, if you have not already,

npm install --global yarn

This command creates a package.json file. In this file we can modify our scripts in order to run the bot. I recommend the following script:

"start": "node src/index.js",

By typing yarn start into the terminal, yarn will execute the command "start" in shell of cmd.exe depending on your OS.

Next, we'll install two of my favorite packages, nodemon and prettier

yarn add prettier nodemon

prettier ref nodemon ref

Then, we need to add a few scripts to accomodate these packages. In package.json replace scripts with the following (or add to what's already written):

"scripts": {
    "start": "node src/index.js",
    "dev": "nodemon src/index.js",
    "format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.js\""

Create a file in the root directory called ".prettierrc" and put this in the file (yes, it really is just empty brackets):


Prettier formats code for you so you don't have to worry about making your code aesthetic. nodemon runs code whenever you save a file.

Lastly, add the most important package for this project:

yarn add discord.js

How to protect tokens

Hopefully, you still have your token copied into your system. If not, go back to the Discord Dev Portal and copy your token. In a terminal change directories to your project directory. This will ensure that your files are safe. Create a .gitignore file and copy and paste this code into the file.

Next, run this command in your terminal:

yarn add dotenv

Then, create a file in the project root directory called .env. Then write the following code:


for example:


3. Follow the Documentation to login your bot

Shows up as Part1Initialization/

  1. Create an src/index.js file.
  2. Create an asynchronous main function in the file
  3. in this function, we need to initialize the bot and login the bot to discord. Use the documentation to find the code for this. Intial Code Documentation. When looking at documentation, don't copy and paste the whole code. Copy and paste in sections because you may not need something in the code.
  4. Require token from dotenv- documentation
  5. Call the function at the bottom of the file

JavaScript concepts from this documentation:

  1. Destructuring

    const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');

    What is { Client, Intents }?

  2. Function expressions

client.once('ready',() => {

// code here


What is () => {} ?

  1. Async/Await What is async?

Extra Credit: Can you use the documentation to set the status of the bot? Hint

Part 2: Commands

Let's make our first command

  1. Locate messageCreate here. messageCreate is under the events category so we need to prepend our function with 'on'.
  2. Type this below the login and ready functions: client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {}). This function is known as an event listener. Whenever a message is sent, this function is called.
  3. Now, send a message in discord and log the message in terminal console.log(message)
  4. use the documentation to figure out how to reply :D documentation

We're going to create slash commands. We also want to create an efficient process for executing commands. This is know as the command design pattern. Read more here Our goals are:

  1. Register Commands with discord
  2. Create a slash command
  3. Add commands to our bot object
  4. Listen for Interactions in discord channels (slash commands are considered an interaction)

We're going to register our commands on discord Run this command in terminal

yarn add @discordjs/rest discord-api-types

  1. Create a file in src called register.js and copy the code in the Part 2 starter folder
  2. Create a director in src called commands and add a file called table.js. Here, we'll be making our first slash command.
  3. In this file create an export. we'll be exporting an object with our SlashCommand and its execution. In JS, we use module.exports = { // obect here } to export something. Our object should include a data field and an execute field.
  4. For the execute function, given an interaction as input, reply to the interaction with an embed that includes a gif and says "Oh no, our table. It's broken :(".
  5. For the data field, follow this documentation to create a slash command. Documentation

We'll be registering our commands with the discord database soon. Now, we need our client(bot) to have access to the commands.

  1. Create a setCommands function above the main() definition
  2. Import Collection from discord.js and fs from "fs"
  3. Given client as an input, the set commands function needs to create a new collection and assign it to the commands field of client. Then, it needs to find all js files from commandFiles and add it to the commands.
  4. Use this as ref

Now, we need our bot to reply to an interaction. This is how we reply to slash commands.

  1. Create an event listener for interactions
  2. use the documentation or console log interaction
  3. only reply to the interaction if it's a command
  4. use your commands collection to find the command
  5. if the command doesn't exist do nothing
  6. otherwise execute

Finally, we need to run node src/register.js in terminal to register our commands. Make sure the .env variables are correct.

Important: if the slash command does not show up, kick you rbot from the server and invite the bot again

Congrats! You've officially made a discord bot. This is the basics to using a discord bot. They're super simple to make. Feel free to stick around for the next portion where we'll be building a simple pokedex.


Command Setup:

  1. Create a new command for looking up a pokemon
  2. Use the options property to specify we need a string from the user.

Execute Command:

  1. Run yarn add axios in terminal Axios is a library for making REST API requests. A REST API is an http interface for your code. It allows your code to connect to the internet and communicate with other applications. Typically, you use them to get data from a database.
  2. Use axios to get information from this api endpoint "{id or name}/"
  3. Hard code a pokemon string for now and either use your browser to see the information or use console.log
  4. Parse through the data and figure out what information you need
  5. Display stats, an image, and the name on the embed

Pokemon Battle - Creating your own REST API

Oftentimes, we don't have the API we need. Usually, this means we need to create the api ourselves. We'll be using python for this next part. We'll be creating an API that takes 2 pokemon names and their HP percentages. The API uses this input to create a pokemon battle image. Then, the API will save the image into a directory. Since it lies within the same project directory, we can use that image in a discord embed.

There are 4 main operations in an API: Create, Read, Update, and Destroy. Our API only needs to create an image

pip3 install flask pillow requests io


  1. Create a new flask app, use the documentation to get started
  2. Create a get route that creates a pokemon battle image
  3. use Image to open the pokemon background asset
  4. get the arguments and assign them to variables
  5. draw HP bars on the image
  6. get the first pokemon and paste it onto the image
  7. get the second pokemon and paste it onto the image
  8. save the image
  9. return the image

In the starter files, I have code that tells you what I searched and the links I found. When you're programming something, and you're unfamiliar with the technology, you need to Google. Googling is a skill to learn. It's something you develop overtime as you get more knowledge of software engineering.

To finish the project, add a command that requires 4 options: pokemon1 name, pokemon2 name, pokemon1 HP pokemon2 HP. Run your flask app and make a get request using axios.

What's Next?

This workshop covered only 2 concepts.

  1. You can expand you discord bot by adding a database. I personally recommend Mongoose/MongoDB Atlas or Firebase.
  2. add the ability to play sound in voice channels Discord Voice Documentation
  3. Discover new APIs and use them in tandem with DiscordJS. I've made League of Legends bots and kanye west bots. There are so many apis you can use like reddit or twitter apis.


Workshop for UCR's Cutie Hack 2021. Learn how to use REST APIs to fetch information. Learn how to create your own APIs to communicate programs in different languages







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