This bot sends messages to telegram if new offers for apartment are posted on .
Create a telegram bot and add it to a group. Get your telegram token and chat id(s). You can create multiple chats with different criteria, each specified in the config.json Put them into a file called config.json, place it in the project dir. See config.json.example
Example conf entry
"telegram_token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
"chats": {
"-CHAT_ID_1": {
"debug_group": false,
"criteria": {
"category": "apartments",
"min_rooms": 1,
"rent_from": 200,
"rent_until": 800,
"zipcode_whitelist": false
CHAT_ID_1 --> your chat id; str;
_debug_group --> Error messages will be forwarded to this group; boolean;
criteria - category --> choose 1 of "apartments", "offices", "parking"
- min_rooms --> min room count ; int;
- rent_from --> min rent in Euro ; int;
- rent_until --> max rent in Euro ; int;
- zipcode_whitelist --> array of zipcodes to be considered ; false or [int];