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Get Open Graph and other metadata from a webpage!

Get started

To install the package:

npm install --save node-meta-parser



Returns the <meta> tags from an HTML page in the following object format

  "propertyName": "contentValue"
parseMetadata(rawHtml: string, properties: string[])
  • rawHtml: is the string representing the HTML for the requested webpage.
  • properties: is an array of strings that are the property (or name) of a <meta> tag
<!-- propertyName: "og:title" contentValue: "Open Graph protocol" -->
<meta property="og:title" content="Open Graph protocol">

<!-- propertyName: "description" contentValue: "The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph." -->
<meta name="description" content="The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.">


Returns the URL of the favicon

getFavicon(rawHtml: string)
  • rawHtml: is the string representing the HTML for the requested webpage.


To get the <meta> tags values from a website you need to get a webpage's raw HTML first, you can use an HTTP client of your liking, the example uses axios.

import axios from "axios"
import nmp from "node-meta-parser"

void(async(): Promise<void> => {
  const { data: rawHtml } = await axios.get("")
  const metadata = nmp.parseMetadata(rawHtml, ["og:title", "og:type", "og:url", "og:image", "og:description"])

in this case metadata is like this:

  "og:title": "Open Graph protocol",
  "og:type": "website",
  "og:url": "",
  "og:image": "",
  "og:description": "The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph."


Notes for myself

To use the latest build uploaded to GitHub

To add the package to the dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "node-meta-parser": "github:andreazllin/node-meta-parser#build"

To push a new build

Give execute permission to script:

cd scripts
sudo chmod +x

Execute the script, it will transpile the branch main and push the folder /dist/ to the build branch:

npm run update

Upload a new version to NPM

To upload a new version of the package:

  1. Change version in package.json.
  2. npm run install to update package-lock.json version.
  3. Commit and push changes to main branch.
  4. Checkout to build branch.
  5. npm run update to build and push latest version to GitHub.
  6. npm publish to publish a new version to NPM