This repository contains three implementation of a genetic algorithm solving the travelling salesman problem: a sequential one, one using standard c++ parallel mechanism and one using the parallel pattern library FastFlow. A study of the two implementations performances can be found in the report SPM.pdf.
To compile one of the implementations is sufficient to enter one of the followin -sequential -selection_farm -normal_form -async -thread and run "make solve_tsp"
All the implementations except for the sequential can be executed with the following arguments: ./solve_tsp [population_size] [generations] [nodes] [nw] [seed] the sequential version arguments are the same but [nw] (number of workers) is not presetn.
The parallel implementations run nw genetic algorithms each with a population of k/nw chromosomes. In normal_form and in thread is possible to comment the row "k = k / nw" so that the number of chromosomes for each populations is kept the same.
functions used by most of the implementations:
- tsp.cpp - problem definition and fitness score function
- genetic.cpp - genetic algorithm operators (crossover, mutation, ...)
- utils.cpp - common utilities (e.g. time measures, random number generator)
sequential implementation
two implementations with the Fastflow framework
- selection_farm - test implementation used to understand the impact of the bottlenck introduced by the access to a shared state
- normal_form - implementation of the normal form: Pipe(Comp(f1, f2, ...))
two implementations with std C++ concurrency mechanisms
- async - use of async calls with no thread pinning
- thread - use of thread calls with thread pinning (best performances)
three python scripts
- - takes as input an implementation and its argument and measures the execution time varying the number of workers. e.g python ./ ../ff_parallel/normal_form/solve_tsp 10000 1000 20 256 1234 executes the algorithm varying nw from 1 to 256 the resulting list is saved in a pickle file
- - executes the inputted implementation 100 times and counts how many time the optimal solution was found the syntax is the same one of
- - reads the pickle file generated from and produced a png graph. the scritp can be modified to plot speedup, scalability or efficiency.