Search API
Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import alfresco_search_api_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import alfresco_search_api_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import alfresco_search_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = alfresco_search_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = alfresco_search_api_client.Configuration(
username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with alfresco_search_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = alfresco_search_api_client.SearchApi(api_client)
query_body = alfresco_search_api_client.SearchRequest() # SearchRequest | Generic query API
# Searches Alfresco
api_response =
print("The response of SearchApi->search:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling SearchApi->search: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SearchApi | search | POST /search | Searches Alfresco |
- ContentInfo
- Error
- ErrorError
- GenericBucket
- GenericBucketBucketInfo
- GenericFacetResponse
- GenericMetric
- Node
- Pagination
- PathElement
- PathInfo
- RequestDefaults
- RequestFacetField
- RequestFacetFields
- RequestFacetIntervals
- RequestFacetIntervalsIntervalsInner
- RequestFacetQueriesInner
- RequestFacetSet
- RequestFilterQueriesInner
- RequestHighlight
- RequestHighlightFieldsInner
- RequestLimits
- RequestLocalization
- RequestPagination
- RequestPivot
- RequestQuery
- RequestRange
- RequestScope
- RequestSortDefinitionInner
- RequestSpellcheck
- RequestStats
- RequestTemplatesInner
- ResponseConsistency
- ResultBuckets
- ResultBucketsBucketsInner
- ResultNode
- ResultSetContext
- ResultSetContextFacetQueriesInner
- ResultSetContextSpellcheckInner
- ResultSetPaging
- ResultSetPagingList
- ResultSetRowEntry
- SearchEntry
- SearchEntryHighlightInner
- SearchRequest
- UserInfo
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Create via Generator in Docker container:
docker run --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i \
-g python \
-o /local/alfresco_search_api_client \
--package-name alfresco_search_api_client
- Bug in code generation with field validator around >12 files with nested quotes!
- Replace in 2 lines each leading and trailing double quote with single quote: r"...\"..." ==> r'...\"...'
def name_validate_regular_expression(cls, value):
"""Validates the regular expression"""
if not re.match(r"^(?!(.*[\\"\*\\\>\<\?\/\:\|]+.*)|(.*[\.]?.*[\.]+$)|(.*[ ]+$))", value):
raise ValueError(r"must validate the regular expression /^(?!(.*[\\"\*\\\>\<\?\/\:\|]+.*)|(.*[\.]?.*[\.]+$)|(.*[ ]+$))/")
return value