A news generator created with Processing
Generates fake news headlines based on a database of given words and outputs it as a typical news poster
- Edit the word database in the folder data/words:
- In data/words, every type of word (adverbial, object, subject, transverb) has one text file, with one word each line
- % is a line break within a phrase
- Define the structure of sentences in data/template.txt:
- e.g. will be replaced with a word from subject.txt
- define rules according to the syntax that rita provides (see link below)
- add new types of words in data/template.txt and provide a new text file in data/words
- Edit the backgrounds
- Put svg files into folder data/backgrounds
- Download the font used http://www.dafont.com/ktf-roadbrush.font or use your own
- Compile in Processing
- Interact
- Press SPACE to generate a new text
- Press 'S' to save PDF
- Press 'P' to print directly from Processing sketch
- Add new words or change structure while running the sketch, as it will be reloaded every time (was necessary for live performance)
Andreas Koller
Jaap de Maat
- Rita Library http://www.rednoise.org/rita/
- Processing http://processing.org (tested with Processing 1.5.1 and 2.0b8)