StarCraft bot designed to test strategy selection. For MegaBot, strategy is the incorporation of another bot's behavior. Currently it incorporates Skynet, Xelnaga and NUSBot.
MegaBot is the "child" of an academic work: Tavares, dos Santos, Azupúrua, Chaimowicz. Rock, Paper, StarCraft: Strategy Selection in Real-Time Strategy Games. AIIDE 2016. Link:
This was MegaBot's debut in StarCraft AI Tournaments hosted in AI conferences.
On the first stage, MegaBot placed 5th among 16 competitors. On the second stage, composed of first stage's top-8 competitors, MegaBot placed 7th (3rd best student bot). Detailed results at: We are in the highlights video! :)
Performance dropped on the second stages due to many crashes... the integration of 3 bots' codes is not perfect.
MegaBot's second participation in AI Tournaments. Code was the same that ran on CIG 2016.
MegaBot ranked 9th out of 22 competitors. Results are at:
MegaBot was a successful learner, its performance improvement was among the highest compared to initial stages. Performance curves are at:
MegaBot is active on Student StarCraft AI Tournament. It maintains a victory rate of 50% overall.
If you're a StarCraft player and would like to test MegaBot against your skills, please follow these instructions
If you're a developer and would like to build MegaBot yourself, please refer to this wiki page.
- Anderson "Zealot" Tavares
- Tiago "Goliath" Oliveira
- Luiz "Commander" Chaimowicz
- Amanda "Valkyrie" Santos
- Hector "Firebat" Azpúrua