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Simple and lightweight C++ ESP32 BLE wrapper

For reverse engineering my CBT-Power LiFePo Battery BLE enabled BMS (selled as Creabest in Europe) I used the raw GATT-Server example provided by Espressif inside the ESP-IDF for Visual Studio Code.

They have a tutorial (which is quite ok but doesn't describe how to use if for multiple services) and an API documentation, but at least for the BLE component the documentation is nearly useless (December 2020) - it looks like a repeatition of the function and structure names as sentences. I guess the developers were short of time or it was written by someone else who didn't really know much about it.

However, not the best for starting completely new with BLE (like I did at this time). Fortunately I'm used to develop in C/C++ over two decades now, so the provided example code itself wasn't that hard to understand.

The BLE service idea is made for OOP and the raw C interface provided by espressif is a lot of writing the same stuff over and over again, so I decided to write a partially object oriented interface with low memory usage (not really more than the C example uses) and event handler support.


Here's an example creating two services with attributes and handling events on it. You can find the whole code inside the server_example.cpp file.

There will be two services, one for a read channel (RX, 0xffe0) and one for writing (TX, 0xffe5). Note that the UUIDs can be something else. Although it is called "read channel" in this example it is for nofication only.

The read channel has a single characteristic which allows a client to register for notifications (0xffe4) while the write channel is a single characteristic receiving the commands.

A client sends commands to the write channel and immediately gets a notification over the read channel containing the answer.

At first include all the framework stuff.

// main.cpp file
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_bt.h"

#include "esp_gap_ble_api.h"
#include "esp_gatts_api.h"
#include "esp_bt_main.h"
#include "esp_gatt_common_api.h"

#include "ble_server.h" // contains BLE the Server-Class.

Due to the name mangling differences between C and C++ the required app_main function has to be declared as C. This can be done either seperately in a main.h (or however the header should be named) or directly inside this file:

extern "C" void app_main(void);

The we define an app id like in the espressif example and a global pointer to the BLEServer instance:

#define APP_ID 0x55

BLEServer *pServer = nullptr;

This instance will be instantiated inside the app_main later. The next two functions are passed as the GAP and GATT event handler to the framework and do nothing but forwarding them to the BLEServer instance (if available):

static void OnGATTEvent(esp_gatts_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gatts_if, esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t *param)
    if (pServer)
        pServer->HandleGATTEvent(event, gatts_if, param);

static void OnGAPEvent(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param)
    if (pServer)
        pServer->HandleGAPEvent(event, param);

The first part of the app_main is the initialization like in the espressif BLE examples, the different part is creation and initialization of the BLEServer-instance using "MyDevice" as device name, adding the services and attributes using the AddAttributes function and registration of the event handlers:

pServer = new BLEServer("MyDevice");

if (ret = esp_ble_gatts_register_callback(OnGATTEvent))
    ESP_LOGE("app", "Failed to register GATT event handler, error code = %x", ret);

if (ret = esp_ble_gap_register_callback(OnGAPEvent))
    ESP_LOGE("app", "Failed to register GAP event handler, error code = %x", ret);

Adding services

As mentioned above in this example this is done in a function named AddAttributes (remind that this function has to be declared before the app_main).

static void AddAttributes(BLEServer *pServ)

In the first line a service with 16bit UUID 0xffe5 is added. This is our write channel, declared in the next lines:

    &uuid_0xffe9,            // (1) UUID of the characteristic
    &char_prop_write_norsp,  // (2) property definition (write without response)
    ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE,     // (3) permission flag (write)
    sizeof(v_tx),            // (4) maximum data size
    sizeof(v_tx),            // (5) current data size
    v_tx,                    // (6) the data block itself
    "TX-Channel",            // (7) name of the characteristic (user description 0x2901)
    OnChannelWrite           // (8) event handler for the characteristics

The yet not known variables and function will be described later, don't care about them yet.

AddCharacteristic requires a few parameters. The first one is a reference to the 16bit UUID (1) of the new characteristic followed by a the flags (2) to be used for it (see ble_server.h for more) and its permissions (3).

The next three fields are the maximum field size in bytes (4), number of bytes currently stored there (5)and a pointer to the field data itself (6).

"TX-Channel" is the user description (7) of the characteristic (the name of the field) and can be omitted (then the characteristic simply wouldn't have one).

The last parameter here is the event handler (8) which has to be called for any event on this characteristic, here it is OnChannelWrite. Can be omitted or passed as NULL.

You could add more characteristics to this service if you want, but for our example its enough.

At next we add the receive channel (0xffe4) as another service (0xffe0):

rx_svc_idx = pServ->AddService(0xffe0);

rx_char_idx = pServ->AddCharacteristic(
    20, 20, v_rx,
    nullptr,            // here we don't use an event handler
    v_rx_config         // 2 byte configuration data for the user decription
                        // characteristic (0x2902)

Note the last argument v_rx_config which is required for characteristics notification or indication. Here we store the indices of both the service (rx_svc_idx) and the characteristic 0xffe4 (rx_char_idx). We need them later for sending the notifications.

Adding service data

The global variables used in the example so far are the following:

// 16bit UUIDs for the both characeristics
static const uint16_t
    uuid_0xffe4 = 0xffe4, // RX
    uuid_0xffe9 = 0xffe9; // TX

static uint8_t
    v_rx[20] = {0},                    // readable value
    v_rx_config[2] = {0x00, 0x00},     // config for rx characteristic (required for notification)
    v_tx[20] = {0},                    // writeable value
    rx_svc_idx = 0,                    // index of service containing the rx characteristic
    rx_char_idx = 0;                   // index of rx characteristic

Implementing the event handler

The only thing whats left now is the event handler which handles clients write operation on the 0xffe4 characteristic and sends the notification. For simplicity we expect exactly three bytes for every write operation:

  • Header (0xAA)
  • Command (1 Byte)
  • Footer (0x55)

The handler has to have the following signature:

void OnChannelWrite(esp_gatts_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gatts_if, esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t *param)

event is the event value itself, in this example it is always ESP_GATTS_WRITE_EVT, because the characteristic 0xffe9 is write only.

gatts_if is the interface number and needed for sending the notification.

param is a union depending on the event value, in this example (where event = ESP_GATTS_WRITE_EVT) it is always of type gatts_write_evt_param.

The first thing we check in the handler is if the client has registered itself for receiving notifications on characteristic 0xffe4:

    if (0 != v_rx_config[0])

We don't have to do anything extra here, because the framework writes the value into v_rx_config which we have passed to the AddCharacteristics above.

After that we shorten the access to the event data, check its size (header + command + footer = 3 Byte) and the frame:

    esp_ble_gatts_cb_param_t::gatts_write_evt_param &data = param->write;

    // we expect a command as header (0xAA), command id (1 Byte), footer (0x55)
    if (data.len != 3)

    // check header and footer
    if (data.value[0] != 0xAA || data.value[2] != 0x55)

Now we know the received packet is valid and we look at the command id.

    uint8_t command = data.value[1]; // id of the command
    uint8_t response_length = 0;

        case 0x01:
            response_length = 5;
            memcpy(v_tx, "Hello", response_length);
        case 0x02:
            response_length = 3;
            memcpy(v_tx, "Bye", response_length);
            response_length = 4;
            memcpy(v_tx, "WTF?", response_length);

Because the write value v_tx is not really used, we put the notification data we want to send into it.

For sending this notification we need the handle of the characteristic 0xffe4 (see AddCharacteristic above). Here we use the service (rx_svc_idx) and characteristic (rx_char_idx) index we got while registering it:

    uint16_t hdl = pServer->GetHandle(rx_svc_idx, rx_char_idx);

The only thing to do is sending the notification now. Don't mind about the indicate in the function name, setting the last argument to false means not to expect any response and so the indication (which requires a response) becomes a notification (which doesn't):

   esp_ble_gatts_send_indicate(gatts_if, data.conn_id, hdl, response_length, v_tx, false);


Now its time to test by simply compiling everything and flashing your ESP32. As soon as the ESP is up, you can use any BLE software (like BLE Scanner or nRF Connect) to test the BLE server.

I used the app BLE Scanner and immediately "MyDevice" appeared. After clicking connect the both services 0xffe0 and 0xffe5 are visible.

BLE device list Services

For testing the notification, first push the 0xffe0 service, choose "Notify Updating?" and enable the "Notify" switch.

Services Enable notifications

Then go back and change into the 0xffe5 service. There press "Write Value" and enter "AA0155" (0xAA = header, 0x01 = command, 0x55 = footer).

Write value

After clicking "write" the value has been sent to the ESP32, will be handled in our OnChannelWrite and in case command 0x01 the notification "Hello" should have been sent. This can be checked by going back to the 0xffe4 characteristic:

Check notifications

Try any another command value and change the code for seeing the effects. Have fun with it!


Simple and lightweight C++ ESP32 BLE wrapper







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