This package contains a class that makes the most up-to-date meeting types available to your application. Updates are released anytime new meeting types are added.
composer require code4recovery/spec
use Code4Recovery\Spec;
$spec = new Spec();
Returns an array of all available languages for type translation. The array is keyed by language code and has the expanded language name as the value.
Example returned value
'en' => 'English',
'es' => 'Español',
'fr' => 'Français',
'ja' => '日本語',
'sv' => 'Svenska',
Returns an object containing every current meeeting type stored in the type repository with each language translation.
Example returned value (truncated)
"11": {
"en": "11th Step Meditation",
"es": "Meditación del Paso 11",
"fr": "Méditation sur la 11e Étape",
"ja": "ステップ11 黙想",
"sv": "11th Stegs Meditation"
"12x12": {
"en": "12 Steps & 12 Traditions",
"es": "12 Pasos y 12 Tradiciones",
"fr": "12 Étapes et 12 Traditions",
"ja": "12のステップと12の伝統",
"sv": "12 Steg & 12 Traditioner"
Returns an array of types translated into the specified language.
Example returned value
11 => "11th Step Meditation"
"12x12" => "12 Steps & 12 Traditions"
"A" => "Secular"
"ABSI" => "As Bill Sees It"
"AL" => "Concurrent with Alateen"
"AL-AN" => "Concurrent with Al-Anon"
"AM" => "Amharic"
"ASL" => "American Sign Language"
"B" => "Big Book"
"BA" => "Babysitting Available"
"BE" => "Newcomer"
"BI" => "Bisexual"
"BRK" => "Breakfast"
"C" => "Closed"
"CAN" => "Candlelight"
"CF" => "Child-Friendly"
"D" => "Discussion"
"DA" => "Danish"
"DB" => "Digital Basket"
"DD" => "Dual Diagnosis"
"DE" => "German"
"DR" => "Daily Reflections"
"EL" => "Greek"
"EN" => "English"
"FA" => "Persian"
"FF" => "Fragrance Free"
"FR" => "French"
"G" => "Gay"
"GR" => "Grapevine"
"H" => "Birthday"
"HE" => "Hebrew"
"HI" => "Hindi"
"HR" => "Croatian"
"HU" => "Hungarian"
"ITA" => "Italian"
"JA" => "Japanese"
"KOR" => "Korean"
"L" => "Lesbian"
"LIT" => "Literature"
"LS" => "Living Sober"
"LT" => "Lithuanian"
"M" => "Men"
"MED" => "Meditation"
"ML" => "Malayalam"
"N" => "Native American"
"NDG" => "Indigenous"
"NO" => "Norwegian"
"O" => "Open"
"OUT" => "Outdoor"
"P" => "Professionals"
"POC" => "People of Color"
"POL" => "Polish"
"POR" => "Portuguese"
"PUN" => "Punjabi"
"RUS" => "Russian"
"S" => "Spanish"
"SEN" => "Seniors"
"SK" => "Slovak"
"SM" => "Smoking Permitted"
"SP" => "Speaker"
"ST" => "Step Study"
"SV" => "Swedish"
"T" => "Transgender"
"TC" => "Location Temporarily Closed"
"TH" => "Thai"
"TL" => "Tagalog"
"TR" => "Tradition Study"
"UK" => "Ukrainian"
"W" => "Women"
"X" => "Wheelchair Access"
"XB" => "Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom"
"XT" => "Cross Talk Permitted"
"Y" => "Young People"
Guzzle is made available under the MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.