react provider Higher Order Component, passing the socket to children
Install from npm
import SocketProvider from '';
const socketOptions = {
url: <redisUrl>,
ioOptions: <redisOptions>,
initialSocketEvents: [],
onConnectEvents: [],
onDisconnectEvents: [],
loadingComponent: <CustomLoadingComponent>
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={SocketProvider(App, socketOptions))} />
<Route path="/login" component={unauthComponent} />
In App the following props are now exposed:
You can give the socket provider default socket events that needs to be run directly after the socket connection is made. The on event callback returns the socket. These socket events must have the following format:
type: 'on',
name: 'connect',
callback: socket => store.dispatch(socketConnected(socket))
// emit has the options property instead of callback.
type: 'emit',
name: 'client:init',
options: {}
Specify what functions should be run when a socket connection is made.
onConnectEvents: [
socket => store.dispatch(socketConnected(socket))
Specify what functions should be run when a socket is disconnected.
onDisconnectEvents: [
A Custom loading component that can be used to show the user the socket is reconnecting. This component gets a prop isConnecting injected. This can be used to show a difference between reconnecting and offline.
// The prop is injected by default.
<loadingComponent isConnecting={isConnecting} />;
Install node_modules
used in ./src
$ npm i
Compile ./src
with Babel:
$ npm run compile
To watch for changes in ./src
$ npm run watch
Babel will compile ./src
on changes.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.