This app helps you keep track of your finances. It lets you visualize your spending habits both in numbers and charts. This app also provides advice based on your prior expenses.
- Category: Personal Finance
- Mobile: This app is developed currently for a mobile platform but it has the versatility to be integrated into a website based application.
- Story: Allows people to track their personal finances and be aware of their financial desisions and habits.
- Market: Made specifically for young adults but it works for anyone.The target market does not need to have a strong financial background.
- Habit: This app is focused towards using it on a monthly basis but the user can take away helpful information from the app and utilize it on a daily basis.
- Scope: This is app is personal so as the user continuously uses the app, they will further strengthen their knowledge of finance and eventually make sound decisions while becoming finacially literate.
Required Must-have Stories
- Users can Login
- Users can Sign Up
- Users can Log Out
- Users can enter their personal data during Sign Up (Name, email, Password, Age, Salary, Household size)
- Users can enter monthly spending data
- Users can view how they spent their money in a certain month in a chart format
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Users can view past expense graphs
- Users can read and understand what each item means while their filling out their monthly spending data
- The app can pull data from their bank/credit card account to automatically fill in their monthly spending amount
- Allow with Login in with FaceID
- User gets a summary of the data produced by their inputs
- Login Screen
- There are two options where users can input information. The options include adding one's email and password to login if they have already created an account. If they have not registered, then they can press the "sign up" button which will lead to the sign up screen and ask the user for selected information.
- Sign Up Screen
- Page 1 - If the user is a first time user of the app and presses the "sign up" button on the login screen, they will be lead to the the sign up screen. In this screen, the user will have to input selected information such as their name, email, and a password which will be used to login to the app.
- Page 2 - After entering the inital information and then pressing "sign up" button, the user is led to a second page in the sign up process called the Account Details screen where they will input personal information such as their location, age, salary, and household size.
- Home Screen
- This allows the users to view an illustration of their most recent expenses in a generated graph. This graph will shift and add additonal information according to how it is entered in the application. The Home Screen also allows the user to press a button to view their past expenses to compare any trends that are illustrated in each of their monthly reports. On this screen the user can press a button on the top bar to add a new expense report or sign off.
- Monthly Expense Reporting Screen
- This screen allows users to enter in how much they spent in a particular month. There are multiple expense categories where the user can fill out appropriate information with the specific dollar amount that they spent.
- Past Expense Report Screen
- This screen allows the users to view their previous monthly expense reports. It is a infinite scroll page with the latest expense on the top and the oldest on the bottom.
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Add New Expense
- Sign Off
- Back Button leads you to the previous screen that the user was on
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Forced login -> Account creation if no login is available
- It leads to sign up screen
- Add New Expense
- It leads to Monthly Expense Reporting Screen
Property | Type | Description |
fullName | String | Users first and last name |
username | String | Email for the user to login |
password | String | Password for the user to login |
chart | Graph | Pie chart to store user entries |
location | String | Used to gather more information about the user |
salary | Double | Used to gather more information about the user |
houseSize | Integer | Used to gather more information about the user |
age | Integer | Used to gather more information about the user |
date | DateTime | To keep track of the date of expense entry |
homeExp | Double | Money spent on rent and home/utility bills |
incExp | Double | Money spent on insurance |
foodExp | Double | Money spent on food/groceries for the month |
lifestyleExp | Double | Money spent on shopping |
entertainExp | Double | Money spent on movies, vacations, events |
autoExp | Double | Money spent on monthly car payments or lease, car repair servicing/upgrades |
miscExp | Double | Money spent on elsewhere like monthly subcriptions |
- Home Screen:
let query = PFQuery(className:"Charts")
query.whereKey("username", equalTo: currentUser)
query.includeKeys(["date","homeExp","incExp", "foodExp", "lifestyleExp", "entertainExp","autoExp", "miscExp"])
query.limit = 20
query.findObjectsInBackground { (charts, error) in
if charts != nil {
self.charts = charts!
- Login Screen:
@IBAction func onSignIn(_ sender: Any) {
let username = usernameField.text!
let password = passwordField.text!
PFUser.logInWithUsername(inBackground: username, password: password)
{ (user, error) in
if user != nil {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "loginSegue", sender: nil)
} else {
print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription)")
- Sign Up Screen
@IBAction func onSignUp(_ sender: Any) {
let user = PFUser()
user.username = usernameField.text
user.password = passwordField.text
user.signUpInBackground { (success, error) in
if success {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "loginSegue", sender: nil)
} else {
print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription)")