Recreate a simple shell - group project with Micaela Rollo
Shell functionalities:
- Displays a prompt when waiting for a new command
- Has a working history
- Searches and launches the right executable
- Handles ’ which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta- characters in the quoted sequence
- Handles " which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta- characters in the quoted sequence except for $
- Implements redirections
- Implements pipes
- Handles environment variable which should expand to their values
- Handles $? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline
- Handles ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ which should behave like in bash
- Has implemented builtins:
- echo with option -n
- cd with only a relative or absolute path\
- pwd with no options
- export with no options
- unset with no options
- env with no options or arguments
- exit with no options