Kodr is an online gamified learning system that teaches programing concepts. It does so through engaging students in challenges.
Users learn by partaking in challenges and following Quests which gives them experience, awarding them achivements.
Achievements showcase what the student learned and can be used to guide his learning process.
####Supported Challenges
coding challanges (Javascript and Java), evaluated using bdd styled tests, tho the JS support grew week since the course focused on Java.
This project requires nodejs, bower, grunt, mongodb, redis and java8 and ant to run
You need to supply an SMTP mailerver configuration (see config test) we use haraka in production but you can use anything.
You can get mongodb via brew if you are a mac user otherwise for linux follow the instruction on mongdb Download redis and intall it (used by socket.io and by express-session)
To run this project clone it locally then run npm install
this should install all dependencies (expet for the ones mentioned)
to run the project you need to run mongod --bdpath ./data
in ther terminal (make sure you create the directory first) unless you're runining it as a service then it's fine
open another terminal tab and run grunt serve
hwich launches the project in development mode
if you visit /seed_db
it will populate the db with some test data
As a side note I use bycript not node-bycrypt for the user hasing which may have a windows bug, but I don't care :P .