A sleek and professional dark theme for Visual Studio Code, designed to minimize eye strain and maximize focus. SpaceBox offers a unique color palette that provides excellent contrast while maintaining a soothing atmosphere. This theme is perfect for developers who prefer a dark workspace that is easy on the eyes and enhances productivity.
Pro color scheme, colors which you love to see in your code.
NOVA is here. Make your code shine!
- Carefully selected color palette for optimal contrast and readability
- Customized syntax highlighting for various programming languages
- Distraction-free editing experience with minimal UI clutter
- Smooth and seamless integration with Visual Studio Code
- Terminal color included
- Open Visual Studio Code.
- Go to the Extensions view (
). - Search for "SpaceBox".
- Click on the Install button to download and install the theme.
- Additional: Install Spacebox UI Enhancer with this theme to get some cool effects.
- We have built a perfect font for this theme Iosevka Code.
- Some
"editor.fontWeight": "300",
"editor.cursorBlinking": "expand",
"editor.cursorWidth": 2,
"editor.wordWrap": "on",
"editor.fontFamily": "Jetbrains Mono",
"editor.fontVariations": false,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "none",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.lineHeight": 1.5,
"editor.links": false
Experience the perfect balance between style and functionality with SpaceBox Dark Theme for VS Code. Happy coding!
"background": "#0D1117",
"black": "#000D1C",
"blue": "#2B4FFF",
"brightBlack": "#666666",
"brightBlue": "#5C78FF",
"brightCyan": "#5AC8FF",
"brightGreen": "#9891FF",
"brightPurple": "#5EA2FF",
"brightRed": "#DE72FF",
"brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
"brightYellow": "#A3A0FF",
"cursorColor": "#BDC0DA",
"cyan": "#28B9FF",
"foreground": "#C9CCE6",
"green": "#8E76FF",
"name": "SpaceBox",
"purple": "#2883FF",
"red": "#EF56FF",
"selectionBackground": "#98AEC9",
"white": "#F1F1F1",
"yellow": "#8069FF"