- As a stylist I can add clients.
- As a stylist I can remove clients.
- As a stylist I can see all clients for other stylists and myself.
- As a stylist I can add/remove specialties.
- As a stylist I can see all specialties for other stylists.
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to the HairSolution.Solution/HairSolution directory
- Type dotnet restore
- Type dotnet build && dotnet run
- Open terminal a terminal application(I suggest mono)
$ CREATE DATABASE ahmed_khokar;
$ USE ahmed_khokar;
$ CREATE TABLE stylists (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255));
$ CREATE TABLE clients (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255));
$ CREATE TABLE specialties (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255));
$ CREATE TABLE stylists_clients (id serial PRIMARY KEY, stylist_id INT, client_id INT);
$ CREATE TABLE stylists_specialties (id serial PRIMARY KEY, stylist_id INT, specialty_id INT);
- In a web browser, navigate to 'http://localhost:5000/'
No known bugs.
email [email protected] for any questions
- C#/.Net Core 1.1
- VS Code
- Mono
- Git
- Razor
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 ahmed khokar