To run the application you need to have Docker installed.
To start the application navigate to the root of the project and type:
docker-compose up --build
The app will be live on localhost:3000 and you can start testing the API's
If you want to have a look inside the database, navigate to Mongo Express on localhost:8081
You can check out API docs on localhost:8080/docs
You can use the postman collection provided in the postman folder. The tokens will have expired by then so you will need to replace them with new ones in the Authorization header in following cases:
- Create new hotel
- Update existing hotel
- Favorite hotel
- Unfavorite hotel
- Get all favorites for a user
- Create a new review
- Like/unlike review
To test admin account use the following credentials:
[email protected]
To test the regular account, you can make an account with your email or use the following credentials:
[email protected]