Alinta Energy's Customers API contains 5 endpoints, to create, update, delete and read individual Customer entities as well as search by name.
Customers API project is using an in-memory database which could be changed to use SQL Server or Azure SQL if needed.
The API architecture is broken down into a service and a repository layer to maximize testability and troubleshooting.
Unit/Integration tests for the Service and Controller layer could be found in the following project: Alinta.CustomersApi.Tests
Swagger - Please use the following endpoint to view examples and schemas in dev version: https://localhost:44366/swagger/index.html
Create Customer - Body: { FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth } [POST] https://localhost:44366/api/v1/customers
Update Customer - Body: { Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth } [PATCH] https://localhost:44366/api/v1/customers/1
Delete Customer [DELETE] https://localhost:44366/api/v1/customers/1
Get Customer By Id [GET] https://localhost:44366/api/v1/customers/1
Search Customers By Name [GET] https://localhost:44366/api/v1/customers/searchByName/jane
dotnet build
dotnet run --project Alinta.CustomersApi
Run tests
dotnet test