Displays calendar events from Planning Center Online (PCO) on a TV using Python and your API keys.
The Planning Center Calendar has tags for Types that must be added to every event.
- The PCO calendar display loads events using your API key:
- When the 'RegularEvents' tag (use the ID) is selected, the code will only display events in the next 14 days.
- When the 'AlwaysShow' tag (use the ID) is selected, these events will show first in the rotation and allow for any dates.
- The Code looks for an image attachment, and if it finds one, it builds the image and adds it to the image's path.
- Pygame and PIL are used to lay out and display the images.
Requires Python 3
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
- On Windows:
- On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- On Windows:
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch the Script:
python main.py
+ Add more details to readme.md
+ Config
+ PCO Developer instructions
+ Detect if the image is not in the configured format (details to 16x9) or below the minimum size (defaults to 1920x1080) and ignore or provide an error message.
+ Update the "AlwaysShow" tagID selection to provide for a date limit (months??)
+ Add complete error Handling