- latest version of Batch-import by Michael Hunger (
- set batch_path to point to the appropriate JAR
- Python packages
- MySQLdb for
- Python bindings for Neo4j ( for storing meta nodes
- Modify the batch_import.config to your needs
- Run by issuing ./ batch_import.config
- Once finished, copy the resulting db directory to you neo4j data directory
bash-4.1$ ./ batch_import.config
Data import started at 2012-09-21 20:48:06.795819
Creating MySQL dumps
Creating MySQL dumps for labelname 'cbm_pc_quantrev_0706'
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_nodes.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_edges.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_patients.tsv exists, skipping.
Creating MySQL dumps for labelname 'crc_31july'
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_31july_nodes.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_31july_edges.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_31july_patients.tsv exists, skipping.
Creating MySQL dumps for labelname 'brca_public_0613'
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/brca_public_0613_nodes.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/brca_public_0613_edges.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/brca_public_0613_patients.tsv exists, skipping.
Creating MySQL dumps for labelname 'crc_noroi_1807'
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_noroi_1807_nodes.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_noroi_1807_edges.tsv exists, skipping.
MySQL dump file at /home/lineo4j/import/gitrepo/dumps/crc_noroi_1807_patients.tsv exists, skipping.
Finished creating MySQL dumps
Creating the Patient Barcode TSV files
Finished creating Patient Barcode TSV files
Starting to create node files.
Node files created.
Starting to create edge files
Creating edge files for dataset 'cbm_pc_quantrev_0706'
Creating edge files for dataset 'crc_31july'
Creating edge files for dataset 'brca_public_0613'
Creating edge files for dataset 'crc_noroi_1807'
Edge files created.
Creating Neo4j Database
Using Existing Configuration File
Importing 204099 Nodes took 38 seconds
.................................................................................................... 87686 ms for 10000000
.................................................................................................... 276035 ms for 10000000
Importing 21134392 Relationships took 412 seconds
Importing 29595 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_GEXP Index took 10 seconds
Importing 5000 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_METH Index took 5 seconds
Importing 18 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_CLIN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 19872 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_CNVR Index took 1 seconds
Importing 0 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_RPPA Index took 0 seconds
Importing 0 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_GNAB Index took 0 seconds
Importing 0 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_MIRN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 0 Done inserting into cbm_pc_quantrev_0706_i_n_SAMP Index took 0 seconds
Importing 15399 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_GEXP Index took 4 seconds
Importing 21166 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_METH Index took 1 seconds
Importing 73 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_CLIN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 9674 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_CNVR Index took 0 seconds
Importing 171 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_RPPA Index took 0 seconds
Importing 17256 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_GNAB Index took 1 seconds
Importing 519 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_MIRN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 164 Done inserting into crc_31july_i_n_SAMP Index took 0 seconds
Importing 5485 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_GEXP Index took 0 seconds
Importing 4982 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_METH Index took 0 seconds
Importing 61 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_CLIN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 3831 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_CNVR Index took 0 seconds
Importing 165 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_RPPA Index took 0 seconds
Importing 5482 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_GNAB Index took 0 seconds
Importing 605 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_MIRN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 315 Done inserting into brca_public_0613_i_n_SAMP Index took 0 seconds
Importing 15399 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_GEXP Index took 1 seconds
Importing 21166 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_METH Index took 1 seconds
Importing 73 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_CLIN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 9518 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_CNVR Index took 0 seconds
Importing 171 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_RPPA Index took 0 seconds
Importing 17256 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_GNAB Index took 0 seconds
Importing 519 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_MIRN Index took 0 seconds
Importing 164 Done inserting into crc_noroi_1807_i_n_SAMP Index took 0 seconds
Total import time: 489 seconds
Finished creating Neo4j Database
Creating info nodes
Meta node created, id 204100
Infonodes created
Data import ended at 2012-09-21 21:06:23.105750
Import time 1096.31 seconds, 4 datasets
bash-4.1$ du -csh targetdb/
2.9G targetdb/
2.9G total
Copy the resulting directory, run in server mode and ensure the graph structure is loaded to high-level cache (including the property linked lists for each element). That is, set cache type to strong (, set a high enough heap size and run cypher queries
START a=node(*) WHERE a.label? <> "A" RETURN COUNT(a);
START a=relationship(*) WHERE a.pvalue? < 0 RETURN COUNT(a);
prior to using the graph demo. This will effectively touch every element in the database and their properties, ensuring that all elements and their properties are placed in the high-level cache.