A small server that hosts images (similar to simplehttpserver)
There are a handful of additional features (outside of just having images served):
- HTTPS support
- Write Mode
- Take screenshots
- Create Folders
- Move Images
- Draw on images in browser
- Delete Images
Usage: simple-image-server [options] <folder>
-p, --port Specify a port [number] [default: 8000]
-a, --address Host address to listen to [string] [default: ""]
-c, --cert HTTPS Certificate path [string]
-k, --key HTTPS Private key path [string]
-w, --write-access Allow write access to hosted directory (enables options such as screenshots,
drawings, creating folders, moving and deleting images)
[boolean] [default: false]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
When write access is enabled (not by default), additional ui options will appear. These include taking a screenshot of the server's screen, deleting and moving images to different directories. These options are useful to me, but should only be enabled if you trust users who are using this service.
This project uses Feather Icons