Averi Assets Open Source is a project by me, to provide users of /chick-fil-a/ with free to use and open source averi content. This includes but is not limited to 3d models and 2d sprites. You may use these for the purpose of animation, creation of games, and so on, with no restrictions.
This model of Averi is made with Blockbench to make Averi look like she is in Minecraft.
All files can be found inside of the minecraft folder
in the root of the repo.
Averi Assets Open Source by amberlandeveloper is licensed under Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
"Averi" is a character owned by fiddleafox. The models in this repository are fan-made and based on the likeness of the character, not meant to infringe on copyright. Commercial use of fiddleafox's characters or assets may be forbidden without explicit permission.