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RoBERTa Hindi

HuggingFace Flax-Community Project Forum link: Pretrain RoBERTa for Hindi Language and compare the performance on various down stream tasks with existing models



In order to create a stable pipeline for building a large corpus of Hindi-text datasets, we brought different datasets available on HuggingFaces's datasethub and kaggle under a single wrapper datasets library. Dataset loading scripts for all the hindi datasets we could find are available in datasets/ directory. merges all datasets(with cleaning hooks) together into a single large dataset which could be fed seamlessly into Huggingface transformers MLM training loop.

Indic-glue Fix

Just a minor fix as WikiNER hindi downstream task on HuggingFace datasets library was buggy. Need to load indic_glue_dataset_fixed/ instead to perform downstream evaluation.


Using IndicGlue benchmarks, the benchmarks/ directory contains helpers which could be used to fine-tune & perform downstream evaluation on the following tasks (for multiple models available on modelhub as reference, and log results to wandb):

  • BBCA news classification
  • IITP product reviews
  • IITP movie reviews
  • WikiNER (Named entity recognition)

Note: We are still in the process on cleaning up some colab notebooks and will commit an end2end working script soon.


Check out the Demo here!


Example code to use our Model for Mask Filling Task

>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> unmasker = pipeline('fill-mask', model='flax-community/roberta-hindi')
>>> unmasker("हम आपके सुखद <mask> की कामना करते हैं")
[{'score': 0.3310680091381073,
  'sequence': 'हम आपके सुखद सफर की कामना करते हैं',
  'token': 1349,
  'token_str': ' सफर'},
 {'score': 0.15317578613758087,
  'sequence': 'हम आपके सुखद पल की कामना करते हैं',
  'token': 848,
  'token_str': ' पल'},
 {'score': 0.07826550304889679,
  'sequence': 'हम आपके सुखद समय की कामना करते हैं',
  'token': 453,
  'token_str': ' समय'},
 {'score': 0.06304813921451569,
  'sequence': 'हम आपके सुखद पहल की कामना करते हैं',
  'token': 404,
  'token_str': ' पहल'},
 {'score': 0.058322224766016006,
  'sequence': 'हम आपके सुखद अवसर की कामना करते हैं',
  'token': 857,
  'token_str': ' अवसर'}]

Training data

The RoBERTa Hindi model was pretrained on the reunion of the following datasets:

  • OSCAR is a huge multilingual corpus obtained by language classification and filtering of the Common Crawl corpus using the goclassy architecture.
  • mC4 is a multilingual colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus.
  • IndicGLUE is a natural language understanding benchmark.
  • Samanantar is a parallel corpora collection for Indic language.
  • Hindi Text Short and Large Summarization Corpus is a collection of ~180k articles with their headlines and summary collected from Hindi News Websites.
  • Hindi Text Short Summarization Corpus is a collection of ~330k articles with their headlines collected from Hindi News Websites.
  • Old Newspapers Hindi is a cleaned subset of HC Corpora newspapers.

Evaluation Results

RoBERTa Hindi is evaluated on various downstream tasks. The results are summarized below.

Task Task Type IndicBERT HindiBERTa Indic Transformers Hindi BERT RoBERTa Hindi Guj San RoBERTa Hindi
BBC News Classification Genre Classification 76.44 66.86 77.6 64.9 73.67
WikiNER Token Classification - 90.68 95.09 89.61 92.76
IITP Product Reviews Sentiment Analysis 78.01 73.23 78.39 66.16 75.53
IITP Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis 60.97 52.26 70.65 49.35 61.29

Team Members

Future Work

Create the best Hindi Language Model to use in real world applications.