- Changed xmlrpc.erl to an old version from unknown source for use only as a client. Not tested as server.
-- Amancio Díaz [email protected]
- Support HTTP 1.0 servers which do keep alive.
- Update to newer Erlang releases from Tangentsoft applied. (from http://tangentsoft.net/erlang/xmlrpc-1.13-wy.patch)
-- John Wright [email protected]
- Rebar compilation
- Module name normalization
-- Manuel Durán [email protected]
The following is the contents of the original README. The link to get the latest version of this library is now defunct and I have not been able to find an updated link.
This is an HTTP 1.1 compliant XML-RPC library for Erlang. It is designed to make it easy to write XML-RPC Erlang clients and/or servers. The library is compliant with the XML-RPC specification published by http://www.xmlrpc.org/.
Prior to using this library you need a recent installation of Erlang. Get it at http://www.erlang.org/. You furthermore need to install the xmerl package, version 0.18 or better. Get it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/sowap/.
In order compile the library you need to update the XMERL_PATH variable in src/Makefile to point at your xmerl installation.
After this go to the src/ directory and run make to compile.
You are now ready to try the client and server examples in the examples/ directory.
Do not forget to read doc/xmlrpc.3 (or xmlrpc.txt, xmlrpc.ps, xmlrpc.pdf) for a detailed API description.
Get the latest version of this library at http://www.gleipnir.com/xmlrpc/.
Send questions and/or suggestions to [email protected].