A simple interpreter written in C++. The interpreter includes a hand-written lexical analyzer, LL(1) parser, and typechecker. Tested using the Google Test framework.
- Function calls
- Recursion
- Data Types:
- Number
- Boolean
- Control Flow:
- If/Else
- While
num add(num x, num y) {
return x + y;
num div(num x, num y) {
return x / y;
num mul(num x, num y) {
return x * y;
num sub(num x, num y) {
return (x - y);
num gcd(num x, num y) {
if (x % y == 0) {
return y;
else {
return gcd(y, x % y);
num main() {
num x;
num y;
num z;
x = sub(add(100, 100), 5);
y = div(1500, mul(5, 3));
z = gcd(x, y);
while (z >= 0) {
z = sub(z, 1);
return z + 10;
Program --> (Function)* MainFunction
MainFunction --> "num" "main" "(" ")" Block
Function --> Type Identifier "(" FormalList ")" Block
FormalList --> VarDecl ("," VarDecl)*
Statement --> Block | If | While | VarDecl ";" | Assignment ";" | Return ";"
Block --> "{" (Statement)* "}"
If --> "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" Statement
While --> "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement
VarDecl --> Type Identifier
Assignment --> Identifier "=" Expression
Return --> "return" Expression
Expression --> AndOrExpression
AndOrExpression --> CompExpression ( Cond Expression )?
CompExpression --> CondExpression ( Comp Expression )?
CondExpression --> AddSubExpression ( "?" Expression ":" Expression )?
AddSubExpression --> MultDivExpression ( AddSub Expression )?
MultDivExpression --> PrimaryExpression ( MulDiv CondExpression )?
PrimaryExpression -->
| FunctionCall
| NumLiteral
| BooleanLiteral
| NotExpression
| "-" PrimaryExpression
| "(" Expression ")"
NotExpression --> "!" Expression
FunctionCall --> Identifier "(" ExpressionList ")"
ExpressionList --> Expression ("," Expression)*
Type --> "void" | "num" | "bool"
Identifier --> Letter (Letter | "_" | Digit)*
NumLiteral --> ("-")? (Digit)* (".")? (Digit)*
BooleanLiteral --> "true" | "false"
AddSub --> "+" | "-"
MulDiv --> "*" | "/"
Cond --> "&&" | "||"
Comp --> "<" | "<=" | "==" | ">=" | ">"
Letter --> ["A" - "Z", "a" - "z"]
Digit --> ["0" - "9"]