Archive of my old notes from IUT courses.
If you notice any mistakes, please create an issue and describe the error in as much detail as you can. If you can tell me how to fix it, that would be great! Some of these notes are pretty old and I honestly don't remember a lot of it.
If you think you can improve on my work, or if you have anything new you want to contribute, please create a fork of this repository, make your changes and make a pull request. I'll review it as soon as I can, and even if I'm slow, other people will be able to check out your work. The pull requests are public too!
Semester 01
- ACM Programming Training
- CSE 4104 (Engineering Drawing Lab)
- CSE 4105 (Computing for Engineers)
- CSE 4107 (Structured Programming 1)
- CSE 4108 (Structured Programming 1 Lab)
- HUM 4145 (Islamiat)
- HUM 4147 (Technology, Environment & Society)
- Math 4141 (Geometry & Differential Calculus)
- Phy 4141 (Physics 1)
- Phy 4142 (Physics 1 Lab)
Semester 02
- CHEM 4241 (Chemistry)
- Chem 4242 (Chemistry Lab)
- CSE 4202 (Structured Programming II Lab)
- CSE 4203 (Discrete Mathematics)
- CSE 4205 (Digital Logic Design)
- CSE 4206 (Digital Logic Design Lab)
- HUM 4241 (Islamic History Science and Culture)
- Hum 4242 (Arabic II)
- MATH 4241 (Integral Calculus and Differential Equations)
- PHY 4241 (Physics II)
- PHY 4242 (Physics II Lab)
Semester 03
- CSE 4301 (Object-Oriented Programming)
- CSE 4302 (Object-Oriented Programming Lab)
- CSE 4303 (Data Structures)
- CSE 4304 (Data Structures Lab)
- CSE 4305 (Computer Organization and Architecture)
- CSE 4307 (Database Management Systems)
- CSE 4308 (Database Management Systems Lab)
- EEE 4383 (Electronic Devices and Circuits)
- EEE 4384 (Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab)
- MATH 4341 (Linear Algebra)
Semester 04
- CSE 4402 (Visual Programming Lab)
- CSE 4403 (Algorithms)
- CSE 4404 (Algorithms Lab)
- CSE 4405 (Data and Telecommunications)
- CSE 4407 (System Analysis and Design)
- CSE 4408 (System Analysis and Design Lab)
- EEE 4483 (Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques)
- EEE 4484 (Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques Lab)
- HUM 4441 (Engineering Ethics)
- MATH 4441 (Probability and Statistics)
Semester 05
- CSE 4501 (Operating Systems)
- CSE 4502 (Operating Systems Lab)
- CSE 4503 (Microprocessor and Assembly Language)
- CSE 4504 (Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab)
- CSE 4508 (RDBMS Programming Lab)
- CSE 4510 (Software Development)
- CSE 4511 (Computer Networks)
- CSE 4512 (Computer Networks Lab)
- CSE 4513 (Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Design)
- CSE 4549 (Simulation and Modelling)
- CSE 4550 (Simulation and Modelling Lab)
- Math 4541 (Multivariable Calculus and Complex Variables)
Semester 06
- CSE 4614 (Technical Report Writing)
- CSE 4615 (Wireless Networks)
- CSE 4616 (Wireless Networks Lab)
- CSE 4619 (Peripherals and Interfacing)
- CSE 4620 (Peripherals and Interfacing Lab)
- CSE 4621 (Machine Learning)
- CSE 4622 (Machine Learning Lab)
- CSE 4635 (Web Architecture)
- CSE 4636 (Web Architecture Lab)
- CSE 4643 (Mobile Application Development)
- CSE 4644 (Mobile Application Development Lab)
- Hum 4641 (Accounting)
Semester 07
- CSE 4703 (Theory of Computing)
- CSE 4711 (Artificial Intelligence)
- CSE 4712 (Artifical Intelligence Lab)
- CSE 4733 (Digital Image Processing)
- CSE 4734 (Digital Image Processing Lab)
- CSE 4743 (Cryptography and Network Security)
- HUM 4741 (Business Communication and Law)
- MATH 4741 (Mathematical Analysis)