##Learning Competencies
- Building a web application from scratch
- Managing the development process
You've learned a lot in phase 2: Sinatra, Active Record, Heroku, RSpec, JavaScript, Agile, and much more. Each of these tools is useful in its own right, but together, they give you something much more powerful — the ability to build a web application from nothing.
For this challenge, your assignment is to build something. It can be as practical or trivial as you would want, as long as its a 100% functional, full-stack web application.
###Release 0: Decide on What to Build
You can build anything you want, provided that it meets the following requirements:
- It has a database
- It uses an API
- It is styled
- It utilizes JavaScript
- It has meaningful test coverage
- It is deployed
Once you've come up with an idea, get one of your teachers to approve it.
###Release 1: Build it
Once apporoved, start building your project. Be sure to submit a link to where we can see your site live.