A Rust implementation of ASAP (Automatic Smoothing for Attention Prioritization), based on the paper "ASAP: Prioritizing Attention via Time Series Smoothing" learn more: source paper & js code:
This project provides a high-performance Rust implementation of the ASAP algorithm for time series smoothing. It aims to efficiently reduce complexity in time series data while preserving significant trends, optimized for visualization purposes.
use asap_rs::smooth;
fn main() {
// Example data
let data = [1.0, 3.2, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0];
let resolution = 2;
let smoothed_data = smooth(&data, resolution);
🦀 Rust: 1.4776ms
🟨 JS: 8.96ms
Data size: 500000
Smoothed size: 25
Original mean: 2499.97
Smoothed mean: 2499.97