Collection of usefull docker-tools install able via docker run
$ docker run -v /home/frank/oha:/target dockerimages/docker-tools
# Results in:
# $ ls /home/frank/oha
# docker-cp docker-enter docker-fs docker-ip docker-rm docker-rmi docker-run-in docker-volumen
$ docker-run-image dockerimages/docker-tools
/usr/bin/docker-fs Shows Filesystm Informations
/usr/bin/docker-ip Shows Container IP
/usr/bin/docker-rmi docker -rm with predefined sets
/usr/bin/docker-run-in Copys file from host intocontainer and executes it (Scripts)
/usr/bin/docker-cp docker cp into a container even running
/usr/bin/docker-image-run docker run imagename with flags in image ENV DOCKER_RUN
/usr/bin/docker-image-build docker build with flags in image ENV DOCKER_BUILD
/usr/bin/docker-run-env executes a command stored in a docker ENV
/usr/bin/docker-update-current Updates /usr/bin/docker-current binary with Current Dev and Restarts Docker Daemon
/usr/bin/docker-image-update-domain Rebuilds the Image with new VIRTUAL_DOMAIN ENV
/usr/bin/docker-redeploy takes down running container and starts it new
/usr/bin/docker-run-http example command that runs a apache container with a dir
/usr/bin/docker-update-image-run Rebuilds the Image with New DOCKER_RUN ENV
/usr/bin/docker-enter modifyed docker enter that
replaces it self if docker-enter isn't installed
/usr/bin/docker-inspect-env-value Inspects the ENV Value of a container and echos it
/usr/bin/docker-rm docker rm with predifned sets
/usr/bin/docker-volumen docker volume commandscoming soon
Lists Volumes and the Storage driver they belong to also shows if container for that volume exists.