This is a sample client for the Document Checking Service (DCS) API. It serves as an example of how to create a request for the DCS and how to decrypt the response.
Run pip3 install .
$ dcs-client -h
Make a test passport request to the Document Checking Service (DCS)
Usage: dcs-client [--url <url>] --client-signing-certificate <PATH> --client-signing-key <PATH> --server-encryption-certificate <PATH> --client-encryption-key <PATH> --server-signing-certificate <PATH> --client-ssl-certificate <PATH> --client-ssl-key <PATH> --server-ssl-ca-bundle <PATH>
-h --help Show this screen.
--url <url> The DCS passport endpoint [default:]
--client-signing-certificate <PATH> The certificate with which the client signs requests
--client-signing-key <PATH> The key with which the client signs requests
--server-encryption-certificate <PATH> The server certificate for which the client encrypts requests
--client-encryption-key <PATH> The key with which the client decrypts responses
--server-signing-certificate <PATH> The certificate with which the server signs responses
--client-ssl-certificate <PATH> The client certificate used for mutual TLS
--client-ssl-key <PATH> The client key used for mutual TLS
--server-ssl-ca-bundle <PATH> The server SSL CA bundle
This client is intended as an example of how to write a DCS client. It should not be used against a production DCS.
See for public documentation of the DCS API.
If you think you have discovered a security issue in this code, please consult the Alphagov Security policy
If your bug or issue is not security related, please raise an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.
This project is developed under the Alphagov Code of Conduct