MS Visual Studio 2013 is used to develop this application using C# 4.5.1. Tests were written using NUnit and Moq. There are two projects in the solutions.
TicTacToe game console project
Class library for tests
Two computer players play game of tic-tac-toe
User is prompted to begin the game
Empty game board is displayed at the start of the game and it is updated after every move
By default Player O gets the first turn. Subsequent games maintain player turns in continuous order
Each player makes random moves one by one
Game pauses for one second between moves
Result of the game is displayed at the end of the game
User is prompted to restart the game at the end of the game
RandomNumberGenerator can be replaced with RandomMoveGenerator which can generate and return random coordinates as a Tuple<int, int>. Did not use it since it does not add up any value in the current context.
Not checking for Game Board boundaries before making a move since numbers are always going to be between 1 to 3.