FacebookInsightStream provide stream API, built over node-readable-stream, to read facebook insights using the facebook Graph API V2.5. Currently facebook insights api return data per metric, this module joins all the list to one list by the insight date.
Currently support the following insights:
var FacebookInsightStream = require( "facebook-insight-stream" );
var pageStream = new FacebookInsightStream( options )
// return list of insights e.g [ { name: "mypage", views: "10" } ]
.on( "data", console.log )
// "oAuth error"
.on( "error", console.log )
// progress status { total: "2", loaded: "1", message: "{{remaining}} pages remain" }
.on( "progress", console.log )
(string)#number of collected days from today e.g "30"node
(string)#type of insight one of the two ( "app", "page" )token
(string)#valid facebook oAuth token with 'read_insigt' scopeperiod
(string)#the time period to collect according to the relevant apimetrics
(array)#list of metrics to collect e.g [ "page_views", "unique_users" ]itemList
(array)#list of pages/apps ids to collect fromevents
(array)#list of events to collect fromaggregate
(bool)#value to set if it should aggregate by relevant typesbreakdowns
(array)#list of breakdowns values to break results