Showcase for TS-ES6 Interop issue
This small application shows an interop issue between TS and ES6 modules in TS 1.5-beta (microsoft/TypeScript#2719)
To run the application, execute:
npm install
npm run serve
For internal module resolution, see webpack.config.js ('resolve.modulesDirectories')
// from src/index.ts
import * as barEs6Module from 'bar-es6.module';
import * as fooTsModule from 'foo-ts.module';
console.log('Bar ES6', barEs6Module); // outputs the object exported by default
console.log('Foo TS', fooTsModule); // outputs a wrapping object with a default property instead
var module:any = fooTsModule; // needed to avoid TS compiler claiming that fooTsModule has no default property
const coreModule = angular.module('core',
[, // exported angular module needs to be accessed through default