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Adding unit tests for lib/shared (#3600)
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* Adds code coverage report the output of `npm test` and adds detailed html code coverage report using the command `npm run-script test-cov`

* Switch over to using functions in lib/ rather than dist/, so that code coverage stats are complete.

* Import vis at the top level to keep ItemSet passing

* Remove requirement for dist/vis in TimelineItemSet

* Adds tests for Popup

* Tests and sinon dependency introduced

* Code changes to modules to tighten up code

* Corrects broken tests and adds more tests to ColorPicker

* Adds additional tests to DataSet

* Adds tests for uuid

* Removes unused functions from util

* Adds tests for utils: recursiveDomDelete, isDate, convert and isType

* removes redundant code

* Adds additional util tests

* Address spacing, and unnecessary tests

* Correct test description

* Adds isDate tests

* Adds sanity check assertions to popup destroy tests
  • Loading branch information
macleodbroad-wf authored and yotamberk committed Nov 4, 2017
1 parent 95657e9 commit fb6872d
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,177 additions and 68 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lib/shared/Activator.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ Activator.prototype.destroy = function () {
if (this.onClick) {
document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick);

// remove keycharm
if (this.keycharm !== undefined) {
this.keycharm = null;
// cleanup hammer instances
this.hammer = null;
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions lib/shared/ColorPicker.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ let Hammer = require('../module/hammer');
let hammerUtil = require('../hammerUtil');
let util = require('../util');

var htmlColors = {black: '#000000', navy: '#000080', darkblue: '#00008B', mediumblue: '#0000CD', blue: '#0000FF', darkgreen: '#006400', green: '#008000', teal: '#008080', darkcyan: '#008B8B', deepskyblue: '#00BFFF', darkturquoise: '#00CED1', mediumspringgreen: '#00FA9A', lime: '#00FF00', springgreen: '#00FF7F', aqua: '#00FFFF', cyan: '#00FFFF', midnightblue: '#191970', dodgerblue: '#1E90FF', lightseagreen: '#20B2AA', forestgreen: '#228B22', seagreen: '#2E8B57', darkslategray: '#2F4F4F', limegreen: '#32CD32', mediumseagreen: '#3CB371', turquoise: '#40E0D0', royalblue: '#4169E1', steelblue: '#4682B4', darkslateblue: '#483D8B', mediumturquoise: '#48D1CC', indigo: '#4B0082', darkolivegreen: '#556B2F', cadetblue: '#5F9EA0', cornflowerblue: '#6495ED', mediumaquamarine: '#66CDAA', dimgray: '#696969', slateblue: '#6A5ACD', olivedrab: '#6B8E23', slategray: '#708090', lightslategray: '#778899', mediumslateblue: '#7B68EE', lawngreen: '#7CFC00', chartreuse: '#7FFF00', aquamarine: '#7FFFD4', maroon: '#800000', purple: '#800080', olive: '#808000', gray: '#808080', skyblue: '#87CEEB', lightskyblue: '#87CEFA', blueviolet: '#8A2BE2', darkred: '#8B0000', darkmagenta: '#8B008B', saddlebrown: '#8B4513', darkseagreen: '#8FBC8F', lightgreen: '#90EE90', mediumpurple: '#9370D8', darkviolet: '#9400D3', palegreen: '#98FB98', darkorchid: '#9932CC', yellowgreen: '#9ACD32', sienna: '#A0522D', brown: '#A52A2A', darkgray: '#A9A9A9', lightblue: '#ADD8E6', greenyellow: '#ADFF2F', paleturquoise: '#AFEEEE', lightsteelblue: '#B0C4DE', powderblue: '#B0E0E6', firebrick: '#B22222', darkgoldenrod: '#B8860B', mediumorchid: '#BA55D3', rosybrown: '#BC8F8F', darkkhaki: '#BDB76B', silver: '#C0C0C0', mediumvioletred: '#C71585', indianred: '#CD5C5C', peru: '#CD853F', chocolate: '#D2691E', tan: '#D2B48C', lightgrey: '#D3D3D3', palevioletred: '#D87093', thistle: '#D8BFD8', orchid: '#DA70D6', goldenrod: '#DAA520', crimson: '#DC143C', gainsboro: '#DCDCDC', plum: '#DDA0DD', burlywood: '#DEB887', lightcyan: '#E0FFFF', lavender: '#E6E6FA', darksalmon: '#E9967A', violet: '#EE82EE', palegoldenrod: '#EEE8AA', lightcoral: '#F08080', khaki: '#F0E68C', aliceblue: '#F0F8FF', honeydew: '#F0FFF0', azure: '#F0FFFF', sandybrown: '#F4A460', wheat: '#F5DEB3', beige: '#F5F5DC', whitesmoke: '#F5F5F5', mintcream: '#F5FFFA', ghostwhite: '#F8F8FF', salmon: '#FA8072', antiquewhite: '#FAEBD7', linen: '#FAF0E6', lightgoldenrodyellow: '#FAFAD2', oldlace: '#FDF5E6', red: '#FF0000', fuchsia: '#FF00FF', magenta: '#FF00FF', deeppink: '#FF1493', orangered: '#FF4500', tomato: '#FF6347', hotpink: '#FF69B4', coral: '#FF7F50', darkorange: '#FF8C00', lightsalmon: '#FFA07A', orange: '#FFA500', lightpink: '#FFB6C1', pink: '#FFC0CB', gold: '#FFD700', peachpuff: '#FFDAB9', navajowhite: '#FFDEAD', moccasin: '#FFE4B5', bisque: '#FFE4C4', mistyrose: '#FFE4E1', blanchedalmond: '#FFEBCD', papayawhip: '#FFEFD5', lavenderblush: '#FFF0F5', seashell: '#FFF5EE', cornsilk: '#FFF8DC', lemonchiffon: '#FFFACD', floralwhite: '#FFFAF0', snow: '#FFFAFA', yellow: '#FFFF00', lightyellow: '#FFFFE0', ivory: '#FFFFF0', white: '#FFFFFF'};

* @param {number} [pixelRatio=1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +81,6 @@ class ColorPicker {
* @private
_isColorString(color) {
var htmlColors = {black: '#000000',navy: '#000080',darkblue: '#00008B',mediumblue: '#0000CD',blue: '#0000FF',darkgreen: '#006400',green: '#008000',teal: '#008080',darkcyan: '#008B8B',deepskyblue: '#00BFFF',darkturquoise: '#00CED1',mediumspringgreen: '#00FA9A',lime: '#00FF00',springgreen: '#00FF7F',aqua: '#00FFFF',cyan: '#00FFFF',midnightblue: '#191970',dodgerblue: '#1E90FF',lightseagreen: '#20B2AA',forestgreen: '#228B22',seagreen: '#2E8B57',darkslategray: '#2F4F4F',limegreen: '#32CD32',mediumseagreen: '#3CB371',turquoise: '#40E0D0',royalblue: '#4169E1',steelblue: '#4682B4',darkslateblue: '#483D8B',mediumturquoise: '#48D1CC',indigo: '#4B0082',darkolivegreen: '#556B2F',cadetblue: '#5F9EA0',cornflowerblue: '#6495ED',mediumaquamarine: '#66CDAA',dimgray: '#696969',slateblue: '#6A5ACD',olivedrab: '#6B8E23',slategray: '#708090',lightslategray: '#778899',mediumslateblue: '#7B68EE',lawngreen: '#7CFC00',chartreuse: '#7FFF00',aquamarine: '#7FFFD4',maroon: '#800000',purple: '#800080',olive: '#808000',gray: '#808080',skyblue: '#87CEEB',lightskyblue: '#87CEFA',blueviolet: '#8A2BE2',darkred: '#8B0000',darkmagenta: '#8B008B',saddlebrown: '#8B4513',darkseagreen: '#8FBC8F',lightgreen: '#90EE90',mediumpurple: '#9370D8',darkviolet: '#9400D3',palegreen: '#98FB98',darkorchid: '#9932CC',yellowgreen: '#9ACD32',sienna: '#A0522D',brown: '#A52A2A',darkgray: '#A9A9A9',lightblue: '#ADD8E6',greenyellow: '#ADFF2F',paleturquoise: '#AFEEEE',lightsteelblue: '#B0C4DE',powderblue: '#B0E0E6',firebrick: '#B22222',darkgoldenrod: '#B8860B',mediumorchid: '#BA55D3',rosybrown: '#BC8F8F',darkkhaki: '#BDB76B',silver: '#C0C0C0',mediumvioletred: '#C71585',indianred: '#CD5C5C',peru: '#CD853F',chocolate: '#D2691E',tan: '#D2B48C',lightgrey: '#D3D3D3',palevioletred: '#D87093',thistle: '#D8BFD8',orchid: '#DA70D6',goldenrod: '#DAA520',crimson: '#DC143C',gainsboro: '#DCDCDC',plum: '#DDA0DD',burlywood: '#DEB887',lightcyan: '#E0FFFF',lavender: '#E6E6FA',darksalmon: '#E9967A',violet: '#EE82EE',palegoldenrod: '#EEE8AA',lightcoral: '#F08080',khaki: '#F0E68C',aliceblue: '#F0F8FF',honeydew: '#F0FFF0',azure: '#F0FFFF',sandybrown: '#F4A460',wheat: '#F5DEB3',beige: '#F5F5DC',whitesmoke: '#F5F5F5',mintcream: '#F5FFFA',ghostwhite: '#F8F8FF',salmon: '#FA8072',antiquewhite: '#FAEBD7',linen: '#FAF0E6',lightgoldenrodyellow: '#FAFAD2',oldlace: '#FDF5E6',red: '#FF0000',fuchsia: '#FF00FF',magenta: '#FF00FF',deeppink: '#FF1493',orangered: '#FF4500',tomato: '#FF6347',hotpink: '#FF69B4',coral: '#FF7F50',darkorange: '#FF8C00',lightsalmon: '#FFA07A',orange: '#FFA500',lightpink: '#FFB6C1',pink: '#FFC0CB',gold: '#FFD700',peachpuff: '#FFDAB9',navajowhite: '#FFDEAD',moccasin: '#FFE4B5',bisque: '#FFE4C4',mistyrose: '#FFE4E1',blanchedalmond: '#FFEBCD',papayawhip: '#FFEFD5',lavenderblush: '#FFF0F5',seashell: '#FFF5EE',cornsilk: '#FFF8DC',lemonchiffon: '#FFFACD',floralwhite: '#FFFAF0',snow: '#FFFAFA',yellow: '#FFFF00',lightyellow: '#FFFFE0',ivory: '#FFFFF0',white: '#FFFFFF'};
if (typeof color === 'string') {
return htmlColors[color];
Expand All @@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ class ColorPicker {
* Supported formats:
* 'red' --> HTML color string
* '#ffffff' --> hex string
* 'rbg(255,255,255)' --> rgb string
* 'rgb(255,255,255)' --> rgb string
* 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)' --> rgba string
* {r:255,g:255,b:255} --> rgb object
* {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:1.0} --> rgba object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,7 +361,6 @@ class ColorPicker {
ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1);

this.colorPickerCanvas.getContext("2d").setTransform(this.pixelRatio, 0, 0, this.pixelRatio, 0, 0);

Expand Down
40 changes: 24 additions & 16 deletions lib/shared/Configurator.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ class Configurator {
this.options.filter = options.join();
else if (typeof options === 'object') {
if (options == null) {
throw new TypeError('options cannot be null');
if (options.container !== undefined) {
this.options.container = options.container;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,22 +153,7 @@ class Configurator {

if (this.options.showButton === true) {
let generateButton = document.createElement('div');
generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button';
generateButton.innerHTML = 'generate options';
generateButton.onclick = () => {this._printOptions();};
generateButton.onmouseover = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button hover';};
generateButton.onmouseout = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button';};

this.optionsContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.optionsContainer.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-option-container';


//~ this.colorPicker.insertTo(this.container);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,7 +371,27 @@ class Configurator {
this.popupHistory[itemIndex] = popupValue;
this._setupPopup(popupString, itemIndex);

* make a button object
* @private
_makeButton() {
if (this.options.showButton === true) {
let generateButton = document.createElement('div');
generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button';
generateButton.innerHTML = 'generate options';
generateButton.onclick = () => {this._printOptions();};
generateButton.onmouseover = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button hover';};
generateButton.onmouseout = () => {generateButton.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-button';};

this.optionsContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.optionsContainer.className = 'vis-configuration vis-config-option-container';


Expand Down
41 changes: 2 additions & 39 deletions lib/util.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,25 +30,6 @@ exports.recursiveDOMDelete = function (DOMobject) {

* this function gives you a range between 0 and 1 based on the min and max values in the set, the total sum of all values and the current value.
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @param {number} total
* @param {number} value
* @returns {number}
exports.giveRange = function (min, max, total, value) {
if (max == min) {
return 0.5;
else {
var scale = 1 / (max - min);
return Math.max(0, (value - min) * scale);

* Test whether given object is a string
* @param {*} object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,29 +63,13 @@ exports.isDate = function (object) {

* Create a semi UUID
* source:
* Create a UUID
* @return {string} uuid
exports.randomUUID = function () {
return uuid.v4();

* assign all keys of an object that are not nested objects to a certain value (used for color objects).
* @param {object} obj
* @param {number} value
exports.assignAllKeys = function (obj, value) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (typeof obj[prop] !== 'object') {
obj[prop] = value;

* Copy property from b to a if property present in a.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1272,7 +1237,7 @@ exports.insertSort = function (a,compare) {
a[j] = k;
return a;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1592,8 +1557,6 @@ exports.topMost = function (pile, accessors) {
for (let i = 1; i < accessors.length; i++){
if (candidate) {
candidate = candidate[accessors[i]]
} else {
if (typeof candidate != 'undefined') {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
"mocha": "^3.4.2",
"nyc": "^11.2.1",
"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"sinon": "^4.0.1",
"test-console": "^1.0.0",
"uglify-js": "^2.8.29",
"uuid": "^3.1.0",
Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions test/Activator.test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
var assert = require('assert');
var sinon = require('sinon');
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
var jsdom_global = require('jsdom-global');

var canvasMockify = require('./canvas-mock');
var Activator = require('../lib/shared/Activator');

describe('Activator', function () {
beforeEach(function() {
this.jsdom_global = canvasMockify("<div id='mynetwork'></div>");
this.container = document.getElementById('mynetwork');

afterEach(function() {
this.container = undefined;

describe('constructor', function () {

it('sets defaults', function () {
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
assert.equal(, false);

it('creates overlay', function () {
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
assert.equal(activator.dom.container.children[0].className, 'vis-overlay');

describe('activate', function () {
it('emits an `activate` event', function () {
var eventSpy = sinon.spy();
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
activator.on('activate', eventSpy);
assert.equal(, true);
assert(eventSpy.called, 'Event did not fire.');
assert(eventSpy.calledOnce, 'Event fired more than once');

it('emits a `change` event', function () {
var eventSpy = sinon.spy();
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
activator.on('change', eventSpy);
assert.equal(, true);
assert(eventSpy.called, 'Event did not fire.');
assert(eventSpy.calledOnce, 'Event fired more than once');

describe('deactivate', function () {
it('emits a `deactivate` event', function () {
var eventSpy = sinon.spy();
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
activator.on('deactivate', eventSpy);
assert.equal(, false);
assert(eventSpy.called, 'Event did not fire.');
assert(eventSpy.calledOnce, 'Event fired more than once');

it('emits a `change` event', function () {
var eventSpy = sinon.spy();
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
activator.on('change', eventSpy);
assert.equal(, false);
assert(eventSpy.called, 'Event did not fire.');
assert(eventSpy.calledOnce, 'Event fired more than once');

describe('destroy', function () {

it('sets inactive, removes keycharm, and removes hammer', function () {
var activator = new Activator(this.container);
assert.equal(, false);
assert.equal(activator.keycharm, null);
assert.equal(activator.hammer, null);

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