This repository has been created to evaluate the integration of HashiCorp Vault Namespaces with OpenLDAP (and eventually OKTA's MFA).
Setup 4 teams TeamA - TeamD in LDAP and add a user in each team as follows:
- Team A: Mary Poppins - uid: mpoppins, password: passworda
- Team B: Ronan Keating - uid: rkeating, password: passwordb
- Team C: Dylan Thomas - uid: dthomas, password: passwordc
- Team D: Dawn French - uid: dfrench, password: passwordd
- Users from TeamA will have admin access to the facebook Namespace
- Users from TeamB will have admin access to the twitter Namespace
- Users from TeamA and TeamB will have operator access to the shared Namespace
- Users from TeamC will have admin access to the shared Namespace
- Users from TeamD will have FULL VAULT ADMIN ACCESS
- LDAP is to be configured to attach to the root namespace and identities and policies used to map access to the various users
- Prerequisites: Vagrant and Virtualbox should be installed on the host system
- Clone the repository to the host system from github
- Create a .hsm directory in the root of this newly cloned repository
- Copy the Vault Enterprise zipfile into the .hsm directory
- Set the vault binary filename in the var.env file e.g.
- Source the var.env file
- Vagrant up
- Now Vault and LDAP should be available and integrated on the vagrant box -
git clone [email protected]:allthingsclowd/vault_ldap_namespaces.git .
mkdir .hsm
cp <location of vault ent binary zip file> .hsm/
source var.env
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Useful LDAP Explorer for the MacOS
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directory Information Tree (DIT) can be seen in the slapd.ldif file.
Check LDAP setup by running the following command on the vagrant box:
ldapsearch -x -LLL -h localhost -D "cn=vaultuser,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu" -w vaultuser -b "ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu" -s sub "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=*))" memberOf
dn: cn=Mary Poppins,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
memberOf: cn=TeamA,ou=groups,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
dn: cn=Ronan Keating,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
memberOf: cn=TeamB,ou=groups,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
dn: cn=Dylan Thomas,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
memberOf: cn=TeamC,ou=groups,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
dn: cn=Dawn French,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
memberOf: cn=TeamD,ou=groups,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
dn: cn=vaultuser,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
memberOf: cn=vault,ou=groups,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
dn: cn=oktauser,ou=people,dc=allthingscloud,dc=eu
If the LDAP query does not return memberOf that contains the correct groups then verify that the filter is configured correctly - e.g. (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=*))
Vault's LDAP setup can be verified as follows on the vagrant box ##(Note: LDAP path has been set to a non standard mydemoldapserver)##
source var.env
vault login -method=ldap -path=mydemoldapserver username=mpoppins
Password (will be hidden): passworda
WARNING! The VAULT_TOKEN environment variable is set! This takes precedence
over the value set by this command. To use the value set by this command,
unset the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable or set it to the token displayed
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.
Key Value
--- -----
token s.fusuYVYvDItb4XCG5tH9jtEl
token_accessor 7WNnJZSycIXqyH7BqVQbOCxG
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default"]
identity_policies ["shared_operator"]
policies ["default" "shared_operator"]
token_meta_username mpoppins
Review the token details:
vault token lookup s.fusuYVYvDItb4XCG5tH9jtEl
Key Value
--- -----
accessor 7WNnJZSycIXqyH7BqVQbOCxG
creation_time 1555597117
creation_ttl 768h
display_name mydemoldapserver-mpoppins
entity_id f84ca212-5b59-d701-8014-b08ed2dfe911
expire_time 2019-05-20T14:18:37.028917033Z
explicit_max_ttl 0s
external_namespace_policies map[44KZv:[facebook_admin]]
id s.fusuYVYvDItb4XCG5tH9jtEl
identity_policies [shared_operator]
issue_time 2019-04-18T14:18:37.028916833Z
meta map[username:mpoppins]
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/mydemoldapserver/login/mpoppins
policies [default]
renewable true
ttl 767h59m14s
type service
- Write some meaningful policies (all messy at present)
- Create shared secret example data
- Add a control group to authorise secret changes
- See if MFA is feasible from OKTA