The repository includes modules for the NTHU Distributed System course lab with mono-repo architecture.
Before going through the following parts, make sure your Docker is running since we are generating/testing/building code inside a Docker container to prevent dependencies from conflicting/missing on your host machine.
Some modules use gRPC for communication or use the mockgen
library for unit testing.
So there is a need to generate code manually when the code changed.
For generating code for all modules, run make dc.generate
For generating code for a single module, run make dc.{module}.generate
. For example: make
We implements unit testing through DAO and service layers with ginkgo framework.
To run unit testing for all modules, run make dc.test
To run unit testing for a single module, run make dc.{module}.test
. For example: make
We use golangci-lint for linting.
To run linting for all modules, run make dc.lint
To run linting for a single module, run make dc.{module}.lint
. For example: make
To build docker image, run make dc.image
The CI/CD runs in Github Actions. See workflow spec for more details.