A remake of the plug-in by An SQUERRIL requested by hj; this plugin introduces convenience commands for players practicing on servers.
I never used the original plug-in so I'm going off what I was told. If you'd like to make a feature request, start an issue; don't PM me or tell me, I will forget. Issues will also allow for other developers to contribute the feature if I don't have the time.
Vladimir "allejo" Jimenez
- /spawn
- /spawn Respawn immediately at the location of your last death
- /spawn <id | callsign> Respawn immediately at the location of the target player's last location
- /spawn <x> <y> <z> <rotation> Respawn immediately at the specified location; be sure not to get stuck in objects!
- /flag
- The command with no parameters will give you your own team flag
- /die
- Die immediately