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Dealing with medias

alkihis edited this page Feb 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

GDPR archives also contain all medias uploaded to Twitter, linked to tweets and DMs.

Media access is restricted to GDPR archives !

Please know first that medias linked to tweets can be obtained through their URL (always public, even if the account is protected). Direct message medias are protected with OAuth, so you should use a Twitter application in order to get medias via API.

Otherwise, twitter-archive-reader can find for you the right file linked to a direct message, tweets or more with methods available on the MediaArchive instance, located on the .medias property of TwitterArchive. Some methods available on this object are made to facilitate access to tweet and DM medias.

import TwitterArchive, { MediaArchive } from 'twitter-archive-reader';
const archive = new TwitterArchive('filename');
await archive.ready();

const medias = archive.medias;

Check if your archive does have medias

You can rapidly check if your archive has medias in it with the .has_medias property. It will return true if you can access some medias.

If this property is false, every call to file getter methods will be rejected with an Error containing "File not found".


In archives made between June 2019 and December 2019, media files were zipped inside the archive. In this case, twitter-archive-reader must extract the ZIP from the original archive to read its content.

This cause a huge overhead when first accessing selected media archive, and may be fatal for RAM-limited systems with very big archives.

To know if medias are zipped inside the archive, you can use the .is_medias_zipped property of MediaArchive.

if (medias.is_medias_zipped) {
  // Try to avoid media getters through archive

Mapping between media archives and MediaArchiveType enumeration

An enumeration (MediaArchiveType) is available to reference each supported folder by MediaArchive. Enumeration items are used with .get() and .list() methods.

enum MediaArchiveType {
  SingleDM, GroupDM, Moment, Tweet, Profile

Each enum is respectively linked to direct_message_media, direct_message_group_media, moments_media, tweet_media and profile_media folders in GDPR archives.

You can import it as a component twitter-archive-reader package.

import { MediaArchiveType } from 'twitter-archive-reader';

Get and list files through media archive

A bunch of methods on MediaArchive allow raw and easy access to medias from various sources.

Listing and getting files is totally asynchronous, so every method returns a Promise.

When you try to get a media, if it is not found (that can happen !), the Promise will be rejected.

Note: On each method that extract file(s), they can be returned in two formats: Blob or ArrayBuffer. Choice is controlled by the last parameter on each file getter method, as_array_buffer.

By default, with as_array_buffer === undefined, the return type will be Blob if the platform supports it (generally, in browsers), otherwise it will be ArrayBuffer (in Node.js).

You can force return type by setting as_array_buffer to true (=> ArrayBuffer) or false (=> Blob). For type safety, it is recommanded to always explicitely set this parameter.

List available files

You can get available files on a directory with .list(archive_type) method.

// Get a list of files in tweet_media directory (medias related to tweets)
const filenames = await archive.medias.list(MediaArchiveType.Tweet);

Get a file by its name

By using .get(archive_type, filename, as_array_buffer), you can get a filename in the media archive of your choice.

const file = await archive.medias.get(MediaArchiveType.Tweet, filenames[0], /* as_array_buffer */);

Get medias from a direct message

When you have a direct message, you don't -directly- have the related media filenames attached to it.

Some helpers are here to guide you: .ofDm() and .fromDmMediaUrl().

const dm = archive.messages.single('dm_id');

// You can get directly all the medias of a DM
const medias_of_my_dm: (Blob | ArrayBuffer)[] = await archive.medias.ofDm(dm, /* as_array_buffer */);

// ...or you can get one of them via a media URL
if (dm.mediaUrls.length) {
  const media_1 = await archive.medias.fromDmMediaUrl(
    /* is_group */, // You should specify here if a message come or not from a group conversation
    /* as_array_buffer */

Get medias from tweets

The same kind of methods exists for tweets.

Some helpers are here to guide you: .ofDm() and .fromTweetMediaEntity().

const tweet = archive.tweets.all[0];

// You can get directly all the medias of the tweet
const medias_of_tweet: (Blob | ArrayBuffer)[] = await archive.medias.ofTweet(tweet, /* as_array_buffer */);

// ...or you can get one of them via a media entity
if (tweet.extended_entities || tweet.entities) {
  // Always try to use extended entities instead of classic entities
  const m_entities = (tweet.extended_entities || tweet.entities).media;

  if (m_entities && m_entities.length) {
    const media_file = archive.medias.fromTweetMediaEntity(m_entities[0]);

Get user profile picture and banner

Helpers .getProfilePictureOf() and .getProfileBannerOf() allows you to get easily profile medias.

The both methods take a UserData instance in parameter. Usally, this is archive.user.

const [profile, header] = await Promise.all([

Use case example of media getters

On browser, by default, getters returns Blob on browsers. This facilitate usage inside <img> and <video> tags.

const msg = archive.messages.single('dm_id');

/* Browser */
// Get the image
const blob = await archive.medias.fromDmMediaUrl(msg.mediaUrls[0], false, false) as Blob;

// Create a URL and set it as img
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
document.querySelector('img').src = url;

On Node.js, getters returns ArrayBuffer by default. You can also force it using true as last parameter on file getter methods.

/* Node.js */
// Get the image
const array_buffer = await archive.medias.fromDmMediaUrl(msg.mediaUrls[0], false, true) as ArrayBuffer;
// Write the file to disk
fs.writeFileSync('test_dir/my_img.jpg', Buffer.from(array_buffer));


Next part is Explore favorites.